Part II: Species Accounts
long time (Blouch 1995; Milner-Gulland & Clayton 2002; Corlett
2007). The development of babirusa-based ecotourism can be
recommended among the priority ways to protect the island for-
est and biological diversity, e.g. in Togean Island (Akbar et al.
2007), but could potentially be good for the Moluccan babirusa
too. The initial conservation and research should be focused on
comprehensive study of the ecological aspects of the Moluccan
babirusa, while reducing the hunting rate.
Status in Captivity
Babirusa conservation programmes have been established
through ex-situ and in-situ approaches. Ex-situ conserva-
tion for Sulawesi babirusa in the zoo is to ensure the genetic
diversity and foster comprehensive study about babirusa biol-
ogy, and has been conducted for two decades (Leus et al. 1992;
Macdonald & Leus 1995). However, this does not include the
Moluccan babirusa, so its integrated management both in the
wild and zoological collections should be considered, as it is a
vital component for the species survivability (Macdonald 2005).
The proper diet and daily intake (Blouch 1995; Leus & Morgan
1995; Leus & Macdonald 1997; Clauss et al. 2008) should be
implemented in ex-situ conservation. Demand for live and wild
babirusa for ex-situ conservation (captive breeding) must be
taken in caution, as hunters might use the permit to hunt more
animals (Clayton et al. 1999).
We are grateful for comments from Prof. Dr Gono Semiadi,
Indonesian Institute of Science, which have improved this
manuscript. We thank the students from local universities in
Sulawesi and babirusa researchers who were willing to share
with us literature to support this manuscript.
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