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The authors are grateful to everyone who provided permis-
sion to use data and additional information on the presence of
red river hog in Central Africa: Jef Dupain, Nakedi Maputla,
Bethan Morgan, Leon Lamprecht, Patrick Darcis, Heidi Ruffler,
Kirstin S. Siex, Torsten Bohm, Cleve Hicks, Jo Thompson,
Hilde VanLeeuwe, Thierry Aebischer, Terese Hart, and Andrew
Plumptre. Furthermore, we kindly thank the USFWS (US Fish
and Wildlife Service) and the American People through the
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
contributing to funding a portion of the work that yielded data
used in this chapter. The findings and conclusions in this article
are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the
views of the USFWS and USAID.