Part II: Species Accounts
This species is small with a marked sexual dimorphism in
size. Males are much larger than females (Rabor 1977). Females
have three pairs of mammary glands, while native and domestic
pigs in Philippines as well as hybrids between these species and
S. cebifrons have at least four pairs. This is an important key to
identify pure-bred Visayan warty pigs (Lastica 2003). Both sexes
have a large mane extending from the head to the hind legs.
During the breeding season (November–March), males develop
a very distinctive longer mane with tufts that drop down over
the face (Figure 14.2). Females have a distinctive white band
on the snout which is whitish-yellow in males (Figure 14.3).
Visayan warty pigs have much smaller facial warts than other
species and, despite the name, these warts are not a diagnostic
characteristic. Juveniles have four stripes ranging from black to
brown, running from the shoulders to the back. At the age of
7–9 months the juveniles lose the stripes and they get the adult
coat after one year (Rabor 1977; Lastica 2003). There are some
differences in coat and mane from populations on different
islands. Individuals from Panay seem to have more black flank
hairs and longer manes than those from Negros and Masbate.
There are also differences between Negros and Panay popu-
lations in the tuft on the head, with Negros animals having a
black–brown tuft on the crown of the head, while in Panay indi-
viduals this tuft is extended into the long mane. Although there
are very small samples of skulls examined, it seems that indi-
viduals from Negros have a skull profile straighter and a more
rounded crown than those from Panay.
This species is thought to have been extirpated over at least 98
per cent percent of its presumed former range, including at
least three of the six main islands in the West Visayan group
(Pedregosa 2005).
Figure 14.3 Visayan warty pig facial white band pattern (Edinburgh; photo
by R. Wirth). (A black and white version of this figure will appear in some formats.
For the colour version, please refer to the plate section.)
Figure 14.2 Visayan warty pig adult
male from Panay (photo by R. Wirth).
(A black and white version of this figure
will appear in some formats. For the
colour version, please refer to the plate