Ecology, Conservation and Management of Wild Pigs and Peccaries

(Axel Boer) #1


S. s. attila, 202
S. s. baeticus, 202
S. s. lybicus, 202
S. s. meridionalis, 202
S. scrofa
present distribution, 211
Salmonella spp., 439
Silliman University, Damaguete
breeding centres, 425
single nucleotide polymorphisms
pigs, wild boar, 381
sister groups
Tayassuidae, Suidae, 1
Somali warthog, 101
South America
wild boar and feral pigs, 313
South East Asia
wild boar speciation, 376
South East Asia pigs, 45
Spanish Crown
pigs, 299
species concept, xxi
Species Survival Plans
(SSPs), 422
Species360 (www.species360.
org), 422
species-level status
forest hog, 115
sport hunting
North America, 307
spread of AMR, 442
stable carbon isotopes, 31
stable oxygen isotopes (δ^18 O), 35
stakeholder engagement
wild boar, 371
stalk hunting
wild boar, 342
forest hog, 120
stomach, 34
Streptococcus suis, 438
studbook, 422
bushpig, 122
common warthog, 85
Suidae, 1
conservation status, 277
Middle Miocene, 2
Sulawesi babirusa, xx, 428
zoos, 420
Sulawesi warty pigs, xx
Rotterdam Zoo, 420
Sunda bearded pigs
Rotterdam and Amsterdam
Zoos, 420
Suoidea, 1
Sus, 8
Sus ahoenobarbus, 11
Palawan bearded pig,
Sus barbatus, 11, 377
Bearded pig, 175
Sus blouchi, 11
Sus cebifrons, 11, 376
Visayan warty pig, 150

Sus celebensis, 11, 376
Sulawesi warty pig, 184
taxonomy, 185
Sus chirodontus, 10, 202
Sus cristatus, 10, 202
Sus davidi, 10, 202
Sus leucomystax, 10, 202
Sus moupinensis, 10, 202
Sus nigripes, 10, 202
Sus oliveri, 12
taxonomy, 163
Sus philippensis, 11
Philippine warty pig, 157
taxonomy, 158
Sus riukiuanus, 10, 202
Sus scrofa, 9
North America, 299
origin, 377
taxonomy, 203
wild boar, 202
Sus scrofa form domestica, 55
Sus scrofa vittatus, 377
Sus speciation, 377
Sus taevanus, 10, 202
Sus ussuricus, 10, 202
Sus verrucosus, 11, 376
Javan warty pig, 194
Sus vittatus, 10, 202
swine influenza virus, 389
wild pigs, 305

T. p. pecari
subspecies, 266
Talarak Rescue
Visayan warty pig, 426
Taman Safari Indonesia, 428
Taxon Advisory Groups (TAGs),
taxonomy, 1
Suidae, Tayassuidae, 6
taxonomy of the Babirusa, 60
Tayassu pecari, 13
taxonomy, 266
white-lipped peccary, 265
Tayassuidae, 1
Tayassuidae and Suidae
diverging, 389
10, 000 years ago
pig domestication, 379
third metacarpal, 24
third metatarsal, 23
third molars, 34
3D dental microwear, 35
3D dental microwear texture, 35
tibia, 22
Togian babirusa, xx
Appendix I of CITES, 77
Togian Islands, 77
Togian babirusa Babyrousa
togeanensis, 76
Togian Islands babirusa, 428
Toxoplasma gondii, 389
trade of babirusa, 73
transformers of human waste
pigs, 50
traps, 343
Trichinella spp.

humans, pigs, 389
true wildlife reservoirs
wild boar disease, 438
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense
warthog, 392
21 species of pigs and peccaries,
2D and 3D landmarks
teeth, skulls, 40

ulna, 24

Visayan Islands
Visayan warty pig, 151
Visayan warty pig, xx
activity patterns, 153
behaviour, 154
captivity, 154
ex situ programme, 425
feeding ecology, 153
habitat, 153
movements and home range,
status IUCN, 154
taxonomy, 151
Visayan Warty Pig Conservation
Project, 425–426
vulnerable (VU – A2cd C1) in
the IUCN Red Data Book
Sulawesi babirusa, 66

Catagonus, 246
London zoo, 420
white-lipped peccary, xx
activity patterns, 269
behaviour, 270
captivity, 273
densities, 266
diseases, 273
distribution, 266
feeding ecology, 270
habitat, 267
movements and home range,
reproduction, 270
status, 273
wild African pigs
disease, 392
wild and domestic Sus, 39
wild and domesticated
Sus species, 377
wild boar, 339
acoustic deterrents, 361
activity patterns, 216
attacks on humans, 221
behaviour, 220
captivity, 225
climate change, 223
communication, 221
conflict, 354
descriptive notes, 214
diseases, 222, 349
ecosystems invasion South
America, 316
feeding ecology, 217
forest damage, 347

genetics, 223
habitat, 214
harvest planning, 341
historical distribution, 205
hunting, 343
hunting-seasons, methods,
legislation, 342
impact on peccaries, 317
increase, 361
listening to the public, 368
management in enclosed areas,
movements and home range,
outside its native range, 213
population trend, 223
reproduction, 219
reproductive rate, 339
soil disturbance, 408
status, 222
vehicle collisions, 347
worldwide distribution,
wild boar and pigs, 380
wild boar management
decision-making, 370
in Italy, 368
wild boar population
growth and density, 340
trend in Europe, 339
urbanization, 348
wild boar-related damage, 354
wild boar–vehicle collisions, 371
wild pig populations
history in North America, 299
Wild Pig Specialist Group
(WPSG), 422
wild pig
damage North America, 305
ecological roles, 285
management North America,
North America, 299
population estimates North
America, 301
skulls, 302
status in North America, 301
West Indies, 302
World Association of Zoos and
Aquariums (WAZA), 421
world population of babirusa
captivity, 428

X and Y chromosome, 380

Zoo, xv
common warthog, 97
wild pigs and peccaries, 420
Zoo and Aquarium Association
(ZAA), 421
zoo populations, 422
Zoological Information
Management System
(ZIMS), 422
Zoological Society for the
Conservation of Species and
Populations (ZGAP), 427
zoos and aquaria, 421


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