Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
then it is called stable equilibrium point. As in scalar equations,
by expanding the Taylor’s series forf(x,y) andg(x,y);


¼fðx,yÞþfxðx,yÞuþfyðx,yÞvþhigher order terms...
¼fxðx,yÞuþfyðx,yÞv þhigher order terms...:
ð 31 Þ


¼gðx,yÞþgxðx,yÞuþgyðx,yÞv þhigher order terms...
¼gxðx,yÞuþgyðx,yÞvþhigher order terms...:
ð 32 Þ

Sinceuandvare assumed to be small, the higher order terms
are extremely small, we can neglect the higher order terms and
obtain the following linear system of equations governing the
evolution of the perturbationsuandv,



fxðx,yÞ fyðx,yÞ
gxðx,yÞ gyðx,yÞ


where the matrix

fxðx,yÞ fyðx,yÞ
gxðx,yÞ gyðx,yÞ

is called Jacobian matrixJof the nonlinear system, where the
raws of the Jacobian are the derivatives computed in the steady
state. The above linear system foruandvhas the trivial steady
state (u,v)¼(0, 0), and the stability of this trivial steady state
is determined by the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix at the
equilibrium point (0, 0) whereJ(0, 0) give the eigenvalues by
solving the characteristic equation det(JλI)¼0, whereIis
the identity matrix andλare the eigenvalues.
As a summary,
l Asymptotically stable. A critical point is asymptotically stable
if all eigenvalues of the jacobian matrixJare negative, or
have negative real parts.
l Unstable. A critical point is unstable if at least one eigen-
value of the jacobian matrixJis positive, or has positive
real part.

Inverse Problems in Systems Biology 87
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