Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
efficiently established directly at a higher order (i.e., mesoscopic)
level, without the necessity of moving down to the microscopic
scale. Obviously, that strategy does not exclude from considering
the microscopic processes induced on the cells by the presence of
those external stimuli—including genetic expression, physical and
chemical molecular forces—by formulating explicit forms forφ 1 ,
φ 2 , andφ 3 in Eq.4, but this is not mandatory for the success of our
The minimal requirement for the vectorial model Eq.1 or,
equivalently, for its component-wise version Eq.2 to represent an
acceptable candidate for modeling EMT processes is that they
display three stationary solutions, two stable states, and one unsta-
ble/metastable state (seeFig. 1). This forces the functionΦand its
componentsΦ 1 ,Φ 2 and Φ 3 to satisfy some essential structural
conditions, in order to ensure that

ΦðV;SÞ¼ 0 , V∈fA,B,Mg for anyS ð 5 Þ
or, equivalently,

Φ 1 ðE,F,C;SÞ¼ 0
Φ 2 ðE,F,C;SÞ¼ 0
Φ 3 ðE,F,C;SÞ¼ 0


,ðE,F,CÞ∈fA,B,Mg for anyS ð 6 Þ

for some (distinct) vectorsA¼(EA,FA,CA),B¼(EB,FB,CB) and
M ¼ (EM,FM,CM) corresponding to biologically relevant
Additional conditions guaranteeing stability forAandB, and
metastability for M, have also to be satisfied (refer to
Since the equilibrium system Eqs.5–6 is multi-dimensional,
the phase-space exhibits a non-trivial geometrical landscape (see
Fig.7), and transitions can occur withsudden changeof values
concerning only some variables (like forcontact discontinuitiesin
continuum physics [50]).

3.3 A Tutorial

We consider a simplified model consisting of a (nonlinear) system
with two coupled first order ODEs for the variablesuandw, that is





þw¼λguðÞ, ð 7 Þ

where the external constraints are given by constant parametersτ,λ
>0 andgis a known structural function whose properties are
detailed later on. In comparison with the general model Eqs.1–2,
order and control parameters correspond toV¼(u,w) andS¼
(τ,λ), respectively, and

112 Chiara Simeoni et al.

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