Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
Φ 1 ðÞ¼u,w;τ,λ


ðÞwu, Φ 2 ðÞ¼u,w;τ,λ λguðÞw: ð 8 Þ

We attempt at formulating a hypothetical interpretation of the
dynamical process Eq.7 in terms of biological observations, assum-
ing thaturepresents E-cadherin boundary values andwstands for
the coherency, which is connected with relative E-cadherin density
values along the membrane border with respect to its overall con-
centration. Then, the specific expression forΦ 1 encodes the fact
thatu—describing the E-cadherin boundary distribution of the cell
population—tends to conform to the behavior ofw—accounting
for the system coherency—in a (typically fast) time-scale of orderτ.
Similarly, the expression forΦ 2 entails the convergence ofwtowards
λg(u) in a (slower) time-scale of order 1.
According to the abstract calculations in Eqs.5–6, that now
translate into

Φ 1 ðu,w;τ,λÞ¼ 0
Φ 2 ðu,w;τ,λÞ¼ 0

for the specific functions Eq.8, the stationary solutions to Eq.7 are
given by the points (u,w) which are located at the intersection of
the curves

w¼u and λgðuÞ¼w ð 9 Þ
laying on the phase-plane (i.e., the two-dimensional projection of
the phase-space). As a consequence, the set of equilibria for the
dynamical system Eq.7 is characterized, for any fixedλ>0, as the
zeros of the function (seeFig. 8b)

Fig. 7Hypothetical three-dimensional space-phase diagram depicting the performance of order parameters

Mathematical Modeling of Phase Transitions in Biology 113
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