wherexas we have said, represents the population of proliferating
tumor cells in the region of characteristic sizeLanddfis the fractal
dimension of the contour. The temporal variation of Eq. (20)is
given by
: ð 21 Þ
We show that the temporal variation of the total number of cells
Ncan be described equivalently through a logistic or Gompertz
dynamical equation [21], such that
¼lndfþαlnK, ð 22 Þ
αis the carrying capacity andAbandαare empirical
constants in the Gompertz equation [50]. Equation (22) has the
analytical solution
dfðÞ¼t k exp
! !etα
ð 23 Þ
In Fig.2, the time dependence of the fractal dimensiondfis
shown for the dynamical behavior of the prostate tumor cell lines,
LNCaP and PC3 respectively.
Unlike other cells lines showing fractal behavior [38], the
prostate tumor cell lines, LNCaP and PC3 exhibit a multifractal
The evolution of a tumor, through the three basic stages avas-
cular, vascular, and metastasis [32], could be generalized through-
out the following heuristic mechanism [21] based on a chemical
network model (see Fig.3).
The present model (Fig.3) is a qualitative representation of the
dynamics of the development of cancer, based on the above experi-
mental evidence, without claim to suggest any type of therapy. The
x,y,zrepresents the population of proliferating tumor cells in an
avascular, vascular, and metastases phases respectively;Nrepresents
the population of normal cells,Hthe population of the host cells
[38] is considered constant andIthe population of immune cells
(T lymphocytes, CTL and natural killer, NK cells [39]) is consid-
ered the control parameter. Finally, ncp represents a non-cancerous
In the Fig.3, the reactions 1, 3 and 2, 4, 6 are related to the
process of mitosis and apoptosis of the proliferating tumor cells
respectively; 5 and 7 correspond to the action of the host
H[38]. Finally, reactions 8 and 9 show the action of the population
immune cells. It is assumed that the cells of typezare generated
during cell apoptosisy(reaction 4) representing the occurrence of
micrometastases [40], that is to say, the spread of cancer cells from
136 Sheyla Montero et al.