Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
The diagnosis of tumor proliferation capacity and invasion
capacity is a very complex issue, because these terms include many
factors such as the tumor aggressiveness, which is related to the
tumor growth rateξ_, and the tumor invasion capacity, which is
associated with the fractal dimensiondf[75] among other factors.
We have thatS_ican be approximately determined (seeEq. ( 8)) from
the rate of mitosis and apoptosis,ψ,ηas


ð 26 Þ

whereðÞψη ξ_is a tumor growth rate.
The fractal dimensiondfquantifies the tumor malignancy, in
other words, the tumor capacity to invade and infiltrate healthy
tissue [75]. In fact, the fractal dimension, as has been pointed out
by other authors [76], can be considered “... a quantitative shape
descriptors which possess thermodynamics meaning and they could
provide insights into the complexity score of the observed system....”
As shown in previous works [35], the fractal dimensiondfcan
be given as a function of the quotient between mitosisψ and
apoptosisηrates, which quantify the tumor aggressiveness as


5 ψη
1 þψη

ð 27 Þ

Substituting (Eq.27) into (Eq.26) we obtain that the entropy
production rate can be expressed as a function of fractal dimension

S_i¼R_ξln^5 df
1 þdf

ð 28 Þ

In equation (28) two properties fundamentals of the tumor
growth are exhibited: the rate of growthξ_, which is associated with
their invasiveness capacity and a morphological characteristic as the
fractal dimensiondfof the tumor interface that as we have said,
quantifies the capacity of the tumor to invade and infiltrate healthy
tissue, that is, its complexity. This represents the “degree of malig-
nancy,” which quantifies the capacity of the tumor invasiveness and
infiltration into the healthy tissue.
An increment ofdfis associated with a reduction of the values of
the quotient mitosis/apoptosis and to higher values of entropy
production rate and this is consistent with the findings of Luo [77].
Starting from Eqs. (28) and (13) and substituting in (12) the
following results hold:


dfþ 1

ðÞdf 5

ð 29 Þ

Equation (29) shows a relationship between the entropy pro-
duction per unit time, the dissipation function of metabolic rate,

Parameters Estimation in Phase-Space Landscape Reconstruction of Cell Fate... 143

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