Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
can be considered an extension of the “Principle of Maximum
Entropy” [110].
On the other hand, we find that [26] the Prigogine Principle of
“minimal entropy production” [12], understood as an extremal or
variational principle, can be generalized for nonlinear systems far
from thermodynamics equilibrium through the Lyapunov function
[82, 81]. In this sense, the apparent contradiction abovementioned
is explained, as in this context the entropy production rate is used as
extremal principle.
In our case, we use as control parameter,Ω¼f(Pi, Glu), so
S_i¼fðÞPi;Glu. And we can rewrite Eq. (18)as








< 0 ð 40 Þ

and considering that in the glycolysis process:

þ2H 2 O
It can be observed that both Glu and Pi act as reactants∂∂Pit< 0
and∂∂Glut <0, so ∂
∂Ω 0. Then it fulfills that (seeEq. ( 40)):

dt< 0.
Those results allow us to posit that the rate of entropy produc-
tion is a Lyapunov function, i.e., shows its directional character,
behaving as “first-order” phase transition, through a supercritical
bifurcation of Andronov-Hopf. Conclusively, the process of cancer
glycolysis exhibits sustained oscillations leading to self-organization
far from thermodynamics equilibrium.
Therefore, a viable therapeutic approach exploiting abnormal-
ities in cancer glycolytic metabolism would be finding those regions
of control parameters in which self-organization is lost, leading
thus to less complex steady states. That strategy would likely repre-
sent a key to improve and identify new anti-cancer therapies in the

5 Concluding Remarks

The integration of thermodynamics formalism of irreversible pro-
cess, complex systems theory, and systems biology [164] offers a
holistic view of cancer as a self-organized nonlinear dynamical
system far from thermodynamic equilibrium. In this sense, we
show how its evolution of tumor occurs as an emergent phenome-
non, as a phase transition, could be called “biologic phase transi-
tion.” In summary, it was found that:

  1. A mechanism for avascular, vascular, and metastasis tumor
    growth based on a chemical network model. Vascular growth
    and metastasis appear as a hard phase transition type, as “first-
    order,” through a supercritical Andronov–Hopf bifurcation,

Parameters Estimation in Phase-Space Landscape Reconstruction of Cell Fate... 163
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