Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
emergence of limit cycle, and then through a cascade of bifur-
cations type saddle-foci Shilnikov’s bifurcation.

  1. The entropy production rate may be used as a quantitative
    index of the metastatic potential of tumors.

  2. A relationship between the production of entropy per unit
    time, the fractal dimension, and the tumor growth rate for
    human tumors cells has been derived.

  3. In cancer glycolysis under hypoxia conditions, the entropy
    production rate is higher than the entropy production rate of
    normoxia that means more complexity and robustness. This
    conduces to the thesis that the employ of any type of therapy
    should be in normoxia conditions.

  4. The total entropy production rate that is shown by cancer
    glycolysis in the hypoglycemic phenotype is greater than
    those of the other states. In fact, this metabolic condition
    exhibits more robustness.

  5. A kinetic model is proposed using experimental data for HeLa
    tumor cells grown in hypoxia conditions which confirms the
    existence of glycolytic oscillations in cancer. This allows it to
    self-organize in time and space far from thermodynamic equi-
    librium, and provides it with high robustness, complexity, and
    adaptability. Glycolytic oscillations in cancer emerge through
    an Andronov-Hopf bifurcation as a “first order” phase transi-
    tion, and could be called “biologic phase transition.”

We hope to provide a better understanding of the dynamics of
the growth of cancerous tumors, resulting in better and more
effective therapies.


Prof. Dr. A. Alzolain memoriam. We would like to thank Prof.
M. Bizzarri for inviting us to write the Chapter. We would like to
thank E. Silva for aiding us with illustrations; we would also like to
thank the rest of our colleagues M. D. Mesa, D. J. Rodriguez,
I. Dura ́n, J. C. Jaime, and J. P. Pomuceno.


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164 Sheyla Montero et al.

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