X 1!
k 4
These reactions lead to the following ordinary differential
dX 1
¼k 1 Ak 2 BX½þ 1 k 3 ½X 12 ½X 2 k 4 ½ðX 1 16 Þ
dX 2
¼k 2 BX½ 1 k 3 ½X 12 ½ðX 2 17 Þ
where the rate constantsk 1 tok 4 and speciesA,Bare real and
positive. Note thatX 1 andX 2 are reactant species in dimensionless
form and, generally,
i¼ 1
dt^6 ¼0 meaning that the law of mass
conservation is not observed for the Brusselator as it considers a
non-equilibrium and nonlinear dissipative system. It can be shown
that the Brusselator can reach equilibrium state under certain con-
ditions, whenX 1 ¼A,X 2 ¼(B/A) andB<1+A^2 with all rate
constants set to 1. Figure7 shows stable dynamics of speciesX 1 and
X 2 to different values of parameters, demonstrating limit-cycle and
damped oscillations.
There have also been other works, subsequently, extending the
Brusselator model, for example the Oregonator developed by Field
and Noyes [26] which considers a third autocatalytic species, to
reflect more realistic chemical dynamics of the B-Z reactions. Fun-
damentally, the other works are also based on non-equilibrium and
nonlinear conditions, to model self-organizing chemical systems
displaying emergent responses that do not show “sum of the
parts” or linear dynamics.
3.3 Goodwin Model The Brusselator was developed for chemical systems. For studying
biological rhythms considering the regulation of genes and
(^8) ab
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 5 10 15
Time (-) Time (-)
20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 7Brusselator dynamics. (a) Limit cycle oscillations withX 10 ¼X 20 ¼1,A¼1,B¼4,k 1 ¼k 2 ¼k 3 ¼1,
(b) Damped oscillations withX 10 ¼X 20 ¼1,A¼1,B¼1.5,k 1 ¼k 2 ¼k 3 ¼1.x-axis represents time andy-
axis represents concentration in arbitrary units.X 1 isredwhileX 2 isblue
184 Kumar Selvarajoo