Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
The network structure analysis revealed that the functioning
and regulation of a network are governed by a certain set of orga-
nizing principles [5]. To understand the mechanisms of these orga-
nizing principles, the mechanistic dynamical models are used to
analyze the systems. The dynamical properties of a network charac-
terize the temporal behavior of a network under certain conditions,
so as to understand the nature of regulation of interacting compo-
nents in response to perturbations that affect the functionality of
the cells, and ultimately their consequences on the cellular

2.4 Selection of a
Modeling Formalism

Recent advances in omics technology and the availability of data-
bases with information about interactions among proteins, genes,
and miRNA, make it possible to model cellular processes as bio-
chemical networks [20, 21, 23, 24, 39]. These networks provide
useful information, such as the identification regulatory motifs and
hub nodes, but their utility is confined to a static analysis that does
not help explain “cause and effect” relationships, which are ubiqui-
tous in biological systems [40]. Moreover, it is impossible to char-
acterize complex network structures, like feedback/feedforward
loops and cross-talk in network modules, which induce counter-
intuitive behavior in systems dynamics, from the network connec-
tivity only. Nevertheless, networks are an important step toward
understanding system and provide a foundation for the develop-
ment of dynamical models [6]. The dynamical analysis helps in
understanding the functioning of a system and supports the






Fig. 6Illustration of network topological properties: The circles represent
‘Nodes’ and the lines/edges between them portray the ‘Interactions’ of the
network. The node ‘A’ act as a bridge between upper and lower part of the
network therefore it stands out as a high BC node. The node ‘B’ has large
number of edges so it gets high value of node degree. The sub-network high-
lighted by red rectangle termed as ‘Functional module’ means the constituent
nodes take part in a similar cellular function

256 Faiz M. Khan et al.

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