Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
depends on the dynamics of the molecules moving in the collected
image series. In particular, the correlation function is defined as



 1 ð 1 Þ

whereI(x,y,t) represents the measured fluorescence intensity in
the positionx,yand at timet,ξandχrepresent the distance in the
xandydirections respectively,τrepresents the time lag, andh...i
represents the average. This function can be transformed into




WðÞξ;χ, ð 2 Þ

where “N” represents the average number of molecules in the
observation area,

represents the convolution operation in
space, andW(ξ,χ) represents the autocorrelation of the instrumen-
tal waist, the so-called Point Spread Function (PSF) generally well
approximated by a Gaussian function. Finally,p(ξ,χ,τ) represents
the probability to find a molecule at a distanceξandχafter a time
delayτ. If we consider a diffusive dynamics, in which molecules
move randomly in all directions and net fluxes are not present,p
(ξ,χ,τ) is also well approximated by a Gaussian function

GðÞ¼χ;ξ;τ gðÞτ exp 

χ^2 þξ^2
σ^2 ðÞτ

, ð 3 Þ

where the variance (σ^2 (τ)) can be identified as the average molecular
Mean Square Displacement directly derived from imaging, with no
need for molecular trajectories (iMSD).

2 Materials

2.1 Solutions and Gel 1. Agarose gel at 3% density (prepared from Agar) in TBE buffer.

  1. Latex beads, yellow-green fluorescent, 30 nm size dissolved
    1:10 (v:v) in distilled water prior to the measurement.

2.2 Cell Manipulation 1. Cell line: Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO)-K1 cells.

  1. Humidified and thermostated incubator for cell maintenance.

  2. Medium for cell maintenance: DMEM-F12 supplemented with
    10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS).

  3. Medium for cell transfection: DMEM-F12 with no FBS.

  4. 100 mm Petri dish for cell maintenance and 35 mm Glass-
    bottom Petri Dishes for optical microscopy.

  5. Lipofectamine 2000 Transfection Reagent. Store at 4C.

  6. Trypsin from bovine pancreas.

280 Francesco Cardarelli

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