Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
per-gene differential expression testing; and the "results" func-
tion returns the results of the differential expression testing as a
data frame. The R command to compute log 2 expression ratios
andp-values for the second species (in this vignette, human)
would be identical to the above command, but with "human"
replacing "dog."

  1. Select ortholog pairs of genes for which the genes are differen-
    tially expressed (padj <0.05 for each of the genes in the
    ortholog pair), and organize log 2 ratios for each of the ortho-
    log pairs (in the two respective species) in a two-column data

deg_dog_human_comb_df <- merge(,
human_dog_ensg, by.x=0, by.y=1), by.x=0, by.y=8)
deg_dog_human_comb_df_filt <- deg_dog_human_comb_df[which(deg_dog_human_comb_df$padj.x <
0.05 &
deg_dog_human_comb_df$padj.y < 0.05),]
[1] 1788 14
Thus, 1788 ortholog pairs of genes are differentially
expressed in both dog and human bladder cancer (vs. normal
bladder) with a false discovery rate of 0.05.

  1. Scatter plot of log 2 ratios for ortholog gene pairs, across
    mRNA-seq studies in two species.

scatter_plot <- ggplot(deg_dog_human_comb_df_filt) +
geom_point(aes(x=log2FoldChange.x, y=log2FoldChange.y)) +
theme(text=element_text(size=20)) +
xlab(expression(log[2](cancer/normal)~"in dog")) +
ylab(expression(log[2](cancer/normal)~"in human"))
This analysis shows that there is a significant correlation
between upregulation or downregulation of a gene in human
bladder cancer, and upregulation or downregulation of its dog
ortholog in canine bladder cancer (Fig.3).

4 Notes

  1. Not all non-human genes will have a known human ortholog
    with a HGNC symbol.

  2. A single-human gene can have multiple dog orthologs (or vice-
    versa), and thus, a given Ensembl human or dog gene identifier
    can appear multiple times in the above data frame (thus
    explaining the large number of rows in the data frame).

  3. Even in the unsupervised analysis shown in Fig.2, a general
    separation of normal from cancer samples is evident across the

Cross-Species RNA-Seq Analysis 303
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