Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
ðÞnðÞn 1 = 2

wheren¼19, number of rows or columns of the Adjacency Matrix
in panel (a).

3.2.2 The Model An abstract Ising model [29, 30] considers each siteiin a lattice as
associated with a discrete variable,si, with valueþ1or1 standing
for up or down spin, respectively. In the absence of external forces
the total energy of the lattice is given by





where the notation<i,j>indicates that sitesiandjare nearest
neighbors andJ is a coupling constant. A competition arises
between thermal fluctuations (reflecting the interaction with the
environment), which induce the system to get disordered, and the
opposite tendency to get organized in some specific way depending
on the interaction or coupling (J) between the sites. The spins flip if
flipping decreases their energy, but sometimes also flip into a higher
energy state. The flipping probability is calculated by a Metropolis
algorithm, based on the formula


where Ediff is the potential gain in energy andTis the temperature.
Thus, flipping to a higher energy state directly depends upon
temperature and inversely upon Ediff. The Ising model is lying in
the calculation of the energy at each site as the negative of the sum
of the products of its spin with each of its neighbors’ spins.
We took advantage of the 2D Ising algorithm in the software
library of the Netlogo environment [31] which uses a Metropolis/
Monte Carlo method for the probabilistic time evolution of the
spins in conjunction with space periodic boundary conditions and
four nearest neighbors for each node. First, we traced, according to
the Ising model, each element of the square lattice (SL) depicted in
Fig.9d in its evolution along time windows of different lengths:
thanks to the association to brain areas in the (AM) of Fig.9a, this
allows following at each time step the evolution dynamics of each
ROI in the original (AM) through its correlations with all other
ROIs. Thus, by summing up for each rowi(or columnj) the values
of the corresponding columnj(or rowi), the global activation
dynamics of each (ROI) can be reconstructed in the considered
time window.
The implementation of the above procedure was tested
through the temperature dependence of activity trends of the type
shown in Fig.10 concerning three randomly selected areas. The
activity trend observed at a reference temperature of 2.27 a.u.,
(Fig.10, upper panel) disappears by about doubling the value of

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