Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1

The objective of COSYSBI Communication Center is “manag-
ing knowledge.” The knowledge is then diffused and transferred
within the network in an organized way.
The main criteria that must inspire the methodology of design,
planning, and construction of the portal are the web usability: here
“usability” stands for the degree of ease of use and the functional
efficiency of the product.
The variables on which the correct application of usability must
be verified are the following:
Web Interface—is the set of all portal web pages and links, at
internal as well as at external level. It is possible to analyze the
interface from three standpoints: web design, navigation system,
personalization; Content—The type of information available will
vary depending on the typical user and the nature of the portal.
The following two tables (Tables1 and 2) suggest how Web
Interface and Content should ideally be built.
After the design of the structure of the entire portal, before
proceeding to the realization, a structuring of the information flow
is necessary. This operation is preliminary with respect to the con-
struction of the portal, because it has an impact on the tools that
will be used.
In order to plan the activities of a portal you need to know:

  1. Who are the users that you want to address; which are their

  2. What areas of the portal are subject to change and which not?

  3. The average time required to make the changes.

The tools that can be used for the creation of a portal are
countless. However, it is possible to draw some general require-
ments that any platform must meet. These requirements are:

Table 1
Criteria to be followed in the web interface design (design, navigation,

Hierarchical structure of information
Side connections
Multiple usability models
Internal search engine
Recognizable design
Accessible design
Navigable design
Predictable design

Imaging and Systems Biology 343
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