Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
The goal was to make individual knowledge understandable
and applicable to the entire network, with the aim of collecting all
the documents and creating a database through a directory and a
search engine, so as to make any relevant piece of information
immediately available.
The COSYSBI Communication Center is a tool for knowledge
management: then, e.g., if the principal aim is to collect as many
documents as possible, to make them easily available, on the other
hand you will have to avoid collecting and preserving all those
documents that become useless and obsolete.
Hence, referring to a hypothetical ongoing research project,
some criteria and some reference group member, with appropriate
experience and acquired knowledge will have to be identified, in
order to make a sort of review and selection of project documenta-
tion. All the details necessary to contact the author of every docu-
ment will be provided: the possibility of a personal dialogue with
whoever is the holder of the special knowledge cannot and should
not be excluded from a system of knowledge management.
Thanks to this organizational system, it was found to be easier
to maintain consistency and continuity in the analysis of knowledge
and documentation collected by the group.
The logical model of COSYSBI Communication Center is
shown in Fig. 1

2.2 Current
Molecular Imaging
Lab Activities

The COSYSBI framework is used not only for data and document
management but also for access to computing resources and imag-
ing software (seeNote 1).






Forum, chat, istant
messaging, ecc..

Fig. 1Logical schematic of COSYSBI Communication Center

Imaging and Systems Biology 345
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