Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
The protein subcellular location image database (http://pslid.
org/), The human protein data base atlas (http://pro, LOCATE (
Besides, there are many integrative platforms for the image
data management. For example OMERO or BISQUE or
KNIME is used for bioimage analysis. Interestingly, machine
learning powerful microscopy analysis is concerned with pow-
erful machine learning algorithms, which automatically classify
the pixels of the images and applied to the experiments for
identifying the microscopy images [24]. In the last two dec-
ades, several groups have innovated various collections of sci-
entific images for biological experiments. Workflow systems
tools have also enabled serving multiple data resources. Open
source workflow tools are used as Taverna (http://www. Galaxy (

  1. Let us start with one confocal image of the sample from our
    experimental data. First, we load the data into ImageJ. For this
    purpose, we use ImageJ built-it functions: File --- open ---
    image from folder. Further, we split the channels by using the
    functions inside the ImageJ session through, file --- image ---
    Color --- Split channels (Fig.7).
    It is important to split the channels to separate the nuclei
    and microtubules and to extract the resulting information.
    Next, we contour the nuclei and microtubules to measure the
    cell parameter that we choose to characterize morphological
    and phenotypic features (Fig.8).
    We can also use split images from the confocal data to
    overlay the nuclei over the underlying microtubules (Fig.9).
    Second, we analyze the nuclei that we have loaded before
    and saved into the folder with the nuclei Region Of Interest
    (ROI) manager tool. Once the threshold parameters have been
    accomplished, it is of interest to analyze the effects and the
    different structural dynamics onto the biological processes in
    which the evaluations of the model were hypothesized. We
    have adjusted the nuclei threshold at 9.20–15.20% (approx.
    for the sample images) with the size¼100–20,000 pixel for
    the analyses of the nuclei that has been adjusted. In this work-
    flow, we have calculated the morphological information for
    nuclei image data.
    The integration of the information about the confocal
    images is analyzed with the CellProfiler. We need to adjust
    the image according to a preprocessing calibrating protocol.
    This is a very important step, at the basis of quantitative mea-
    surements. And then, by drag and drop the individual confocal
    image we load the data into the cell profiler. The resulting

354 Garima Verma et al.

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