directions along which the between variables correlation is maxi-
mal. This implies the projection of the original data set into a
reduced dimensionality space spanned by the major (i.e., having
the higher eigenvalues) components allows us to maximize the
probability of concentrating on the meaningful part of the infor-
mation. In some (very general) sense, a PCA solution corresponds
to an explanatory model of the system at hand [10], but this is only
the beginning of the game, the search for “systems parameter” does
not end with PCA.
3 “Subjective” Judgment
PCA, even being the by far more common method to generate a
meaningful synthesis from complex multidimensional data, is not
an obliged way for modeling. The peculiar features of biological
information must be taken into account in order to define a realistic
notion of “systems parameters” (and consequently of what can be
considered a satisfactory explanation of a phenomenon).
Biological data are unescapably discrete: we face a numerable
set of independent vectors, each corresponding to a specific obser-
vation (animal, person, cell sample, etc.) and we are asked to find
some kind of regularities among these discrete events.
This fact both imposes a completely new perspective with
respect to the prevalent style of thought in mathematical modeling
that considers the sketching of a continuous differential equation as
the “paradigmatic form” of a scientific analysis of a phenomenon
and creates a totally new concept of “what is in common” among
different research fields.
P Pi
P 3
P 2
p P^1
(^1) p
p 3
p 4
Fig. 2The least-square estimation in PCA has as reference point the component (left panel) and the distances
of the observed values from their estimates refer to the bi-dimensional space. In classical regression
procedures (right panel), the neat separation between independent and dependent variables implies the
distances to be minimized refer to theY(dependent variable) axis
Parameters Search 61