Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
terms this means that the motion of the center of mass is the main
component of the observed dynamics.
PC2 instead has both positive and negative loadings (a “shape”
component in statistical terms), this points to a specific balance
between enzymes expression, independent of the global activity
(all components are independent of each other by construction)
and pointing to the fact the repair enzymes differentially participate
in distinct mechanisms (pathways).

Table 2
The table reports the Pearson correlation coefficients (component loadings) between original
variables (enzymes) and components

Gene name PC1 PC2 PC3
apex1 0.49658 0.28549 0.08580
brca1 0.80568 0.36552 0.00639
brca2 0.82445 0.21156 0.03834
ercc1 0.62712 0.44942 0.00154
fen1 0.82015 0.41467 0.04431
lig1 0.77139 0.40052 0.08932
lig3 0.74382 0.13401 0.38229
lig4 0.59043 0.53775 0.22779
mbd4 0.55002 0.37782 0.23190
mlh1 0.35765 0.29410 0.76100
mpg 0.27652 0.43364 0.54428
mre11a 0.70047 0.11065 0.53014
msh2 0.89619 0.16038 0.14345
msh3 0.61953 0.41855 0.15099
msh6 0.63565 0.53948 0.08440
ogg1 0.33020 0.26190 0.06547
pms2 0.82538 0.21081 0.11963
polb 0.58223 0.33495 0.58244
rad51 0.72720 0.40550 0.27327
smug1 0.53041 0.19056 0.29937
ung 0.62931 0.39195 0.28066
xpc 0.53029 0.42125 0.22514
xrcc1 0.34438 0.25749 0.10138

Bolded values point to the variables more relevant for component interpretation

Parameters Search 65
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