3.5 Inverse
Bifurcation analysis has proven to be a powerful method for under-
standing the qualitative behavior of gene regulatory networks
[24]. In addition to the more traditional forward problem of
determining the mapping from parameter space to the space of
model behavior, the inverse problem of determining model para-
meters to result in certain desired properties of the bifurcation
diagram provides an attractive methodology for addressing impor-
tant biological problems. For a certain range of a bifurcation
parameter, three steady states coexist, whereas outside this interval
only a single steady state exists. This implies that slowly varying
parameters can induce a sudden jump. Manipulating the Tyson’s
model, assuming the total cdc2CT¼C 2 þCP+pM+M¼const
andCP¼(1w)CTC2 andC 2 1 one rewrites Eq.17 asu¼
[CT], andy¼[YT]/[CT] and that the first three equations can be
solved independently of the fourth because y does not appear in the
first three equations; and becausek3[CT]max {kiaa,k2,k6},
wchanges very rapidly compared to changes inν,sow¼νas long as
0 <ν<1. Thus, the cdc2-cyclin model reduces to a pair of
nonlinear ordinary differential equations
u_½t¼k 4 ðνuÞðαþu^2 Þðαþu^2 Þk 6 u
ν_½t¼ðk 1 aak 6 uÞ
ð 18 Þ
whereα¼k 4 prime/k4. Applying the mathematics rules shown in
Appendix under Bifurcation, results of such model are shown in
Table 3
Parameters retrieval, standard error,tstatistic andPvalue
Value Estimate Standard error t-Statistic P-value
k1aa 0.015001 0.000938491 15.9841 4.01224 10 ^48
k2 2.37146 10 ^7 0.00522666 0.0000453724 0.999964
k3 200.001 0.960852 208.149 1.049133302926 10 ^558
k4 180. 1.4801 121.613 6.100160101569 10 ^423
k4prime 0.0179989 0.000843644 21.3347 1.81877 10 ^75
k5notP 3.1582 10 ^7 0.00397082 0.0000795352 0.999937
k6 1. 0.00343817 290.853 1.911259397235 10 ^644
k7 0.6 0.00281254 213.33 5.507756176045 10 ^565
k8notP 1.00001 106 5864.59 170.517 6.067726632465 10 ^508
k9 999.999 2.45854 406.745 8.26166736095 10 ^73
Inverse Problems in Systems Biology 81