Lu et al. [25], applying a methodology based on the inverse
map from the space of bifurcation diagrams to biological space
parameters, has shown that many questions of biological interest
may be formulated by the inverse bifurcation defined as an optimi-
zation problem which involves minimal distances to bifurcation
4 Conclusions
Inverse problems and sloppy models are only part of the more
general problem approach of inverse problems applied to systems
biology. Despite many mathematical tools are available for specific
problems posed by systems biology studies, as reviewed among
others by Villaverde and Banga [26], the core problem of how to
derive system level organization from experimental results remains
largely unsolved. Accordingly, the modelling of biological systems
is far to be treated as a complete engineered system, thus the use of
the reverse engineering approach appears to be a difficult road
because different perspectives of systems biology coexist. Large-
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Fig. 3A phase portrait of the Tyson’s model
82 Rodolfo Guzzi et al.