Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
to make a change of variables from the dependent variablexto a
local variable. Now let:

xðtÞ¼xþEðtÞ, ð 23 Þ

where it is assumed thatE(t) 1, so that we can justify
dropping all terms of order two and higher in the expansion.
SubstitutingxðtÞ¼xþEðtÞinto the Right-Hand Side (RHS)
of the ODE yields

fðxðtÞÞ ¼ fðÞ¼xþEðÞt fðÞþx fðÞx EðÞþt fðÞx

E^2 ðtÞ

¼ 0 þfðxÞEðtÞþOðE^2 Þ,
ð 24 Þ

and dropping higher order terms, we obtain

fðxÞfðxÞEðtÞ: ð 25 Þ

Note that dropping these higher order terms is valid sinceE(t)
1. Now substitutingxðtÞ¼xþEðtÞinto the Left-Hand Side
(LHS) of the ODE,

E^0 ðtÞ¼fðxÞEðtÞ: ð 26 Þ

The goal is to determine if we have growing or decaying solu-
tions. If the solutions grows, then the equilibrium point is
unstable. If the solution decays, then the fixed point is stable.
To determine whether or not the solution is stable or unstable
we simply solve the ODE and get the solution as

EðtÞ¼E 0 expððxÞEðtÞÞ, ð 27 Þ

whereE 0 is a constant. Hence, the solution is growing if
f_ðxÞ>0 and decaying iff_ðxÞ<0. As a result, the equilibrium
point is stable iff_ðxÞ<0, unstable iff_ðxÞ>0.
A first-order autonomous ODE with a parameterrhas the
general formdx/dt¼f(x,r). The fixed points are the values of
xfor whichf(x,r)¼0. A bifurcation occurs when the number
or the stability of the fixed points changes as system parameters
change. The classical types of bifurcations that occur in nonlin-
ear dynamical systems are produced from the following proto-
typical differential equations:
l saddle:dx/dt¼r+x^2. A saddle-node bifurcation or tangent
bifurcation is a collision and disappearance of two equilibria
in dynamical systems. In autonomous systems, this occurs
when the critical equilibrium has one zero eigenvalue. This
phenomenon is also called fold or limit point bifurcation. An
equilibrium solution (wherex¼0) is simplyx¼p\pm


Therefore, ifr<0, then we have no real solutions, ifr>
0, then we have two real solutions.

Inverse Problems in Systems Biology 85
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