The New Neotropical Companion

(Elliott) #1
Plate 9- 27. Collared Peccary (Pecari tajacu) populations may be
influenced by predation more than by competition. Photo by
John Kricher.

Plate 9- 28. These two capuchin monkeys are feeding on a Chestnut- mandibled Toucan (Ramphastos swainsonii) that they
apparently killed. Monkeys feed heavily on fruit, but these have apparently augmented their diets to include meat. Predation
takes myriad forms in the Neotropics and must be a strong ecological force. Photo by James Adams.

Plate 9- 26. Anolis lizards in Puerto Rico appear to exert
significant effects on various canopy arthropod populations.
This male Green Anole (A. carolinensis), which occurs in the
southeastern United States, is displaying his red dewlap.
Photo by John Kricher.

chapter 9 why are there so many species? 151

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