The New Neotropical Companion

(Elliott) #1
utilize the plant (such as heliconid caterpillars gaining
evolutionary access to Passiflora). In turn, these insect
herbivores should be under selection pressure to evolve
aposematic coloration. Thus the more aposematic
insects associated with plants, the more likely the plants
are to be biochemically active with regard to potential
drugs. Plant species for the study were chosen from
among 1,380 species. Bioassays of the various species
were tested for activity against various cancers and
parasites. The species tested were taken from six plant
families and were chosen based on consistent activity
or inactivity in bioassays, accessibility in the field, and
abundance in the field. Active (meaning that it had been
determined that medically active compounds were
present in the plant) and inactive plant species were
paired and examined for presence of aposematic insect

species. Twenty plant species (10 active, 10 inactive)
were examined. The results showed that aposematic
insect species were present on both active and non-
active plants but were proportionally more represented
on active plants. The researchers concluded, β€œThe
presence of aposematic insects can therefore indicate
that a particular tropical plant may contain biologically
active compounds. As non- aposematic insects are
more equally associated with active and inactive plants,
using all the insects collected on plants may not be as
informative as using only aposematic insects.” It was
also observed that aposematic insects were common on
plants with non- active compounds, but the possibility
exists that these insects are mimics of other species.
Perhaps future bioprospecting research will begin with
an insect survey.

chapter 11 evolutionary arms races: more coevolution, more complexity 203

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