The New Neotropical Companion

(Elliott) #1

Plate 13- 9. The Long- whiskered Owlet (Xenoglaux loweryi) was
first described in 1977. It occurs in cloud forests at elevations
of between 1,890 and 2,200 m (6,200– 7,220 ft), in the Andes
Mountains of northern Peru. Photo by Andrew Whittaker.

Plate 13- 8. Cloud forests, with their continuous atmospheric moisture, host an abundance of epiphytes, as is evident in this
image. Photo by John Kricher.

Plate 13- 10. Cloud forests in Colombia and Ecuador are
habitat for the Giant Antpitta (Grallaria gigantea). By far the
largest member of its family, this species attains lengths of up
to 28 cm (11 in). Because of extensive deforestation in many
parts of its range, it is considered a vulnerable species by the
IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). Photo
by Jill Lapato.

238 chapter 13 scaling the andes

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