The New Neotropical Companion

(Elliott) #1
Plate 4- 33. Rain helps fill this small rain forest pool, but rain
clouds cause a reduction in light, making observations more
challenging. As the day wanes, it is time to head back to the
field station or lodge. Photo by John Kricher.

Plate 4- 32. Expect the unexpected in the tropics. Being out and on the trail always seems to have its rewards. Here is a Violet
Sabrewing apparently curious about a small Boa Constrictor on the branch in front of it. The hummingbird would be wise to use
extreme caution. Photo by James Adams.

Plate 4- 34. Night walks are often good for finding active
nocturnal foragers, such as this Lowland Paca (Cuniculus paca),
caught with a fruit in its mouth. Photo by Sean Williams.

chapter 4 finding animals in rain forest 69

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