Science - USA (2022-04-22)

(Maropa) #1




Resisting attack by repairing the damage

R emoving membrane pores may help cancer cells survive T cell assault

ByNorma W. Andrews


umor cells or cells infected by patho-
gens are thought to resist killing by
cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), but
the mechanisms involved are incom-
pletely understood. On page 377 of this
issue, Ritter et al. ( 1 ) report that the
membrane-remodeling endosomal sorting
complexes required for transport (ESCRT)
proteins accumulate at cytolytic synapses,
the specialized sites where CTLs bind target
cells and secrete the pore-forming protein

perforin. Using high-resolution imaging and
a clever strategy for selecting cells at early
stages of permeabilization, they show that
ESCRT protein recruitment coincides with
the onset of injury and helps cancer cells re-
sist CTL attack in vitro.
ESCRT proteins drive membrane remodel-
ing and scission events in various processes,
including viral budding and cytokinesis ( 2 ,
3 ). The earlier discovery that they facilitate
wound resealing ( 4 ) suggested a direct path

for lesion removal. ESCRT proteins were de-
tected at plasma membrane sites wounded by
lasers ( 4 , 5 ), but uncertainties remained be-
cause lasers can cause heat-related artifacts
and denature membrane components. Ritter
et al. settle this issue by visualizing ESCRT
proteins precisely at the site of a highly
physiological form of membrane injury. They
also observe membrane protrusions contain-
ing ESCRT proteins within the cytolytic syn-
apse, consistent with a previously proposed
mechanism of membrane repair by vesicle
shedding ( 4 , 5 ). However, the membrane de-

tachment events observed to date could have
resulted from laser-induced damage or cell
death. Consistent with this possibility, Ritter
et al. only directly observed membrane shed-
ding in cells that failed to reseal after CTL
attack. Thus, how plasma membrane lesions
are ultimately removed remains unclear.
Ca2+ influx through cell membrane wounds
triggers the formation of micrometer-scale
blebs as a consequence of cortical cytoskel-
eton rearrangements ( 4 , 6 ). These large
blebs, which display a high density of mem-
brane-associated ESCRT proteins ( 4 ), do not
promote lesion removal because the blebs
retract back into the cell body when mem-

brane integrity is restored ( 4 , 6 ), and cells
reseal normally when blebbing is prevented
( 6 ). It is therefore important, in the context of
CTL–target cell engagement, to distinguish
ESCRT-containing membrane buds that are
responsible for shedding perforin lesions
from reversible membrane perturbations
caused by Ca2+ entry. One strategy might
be to compare the topography of cytolytic
synapses resulting from CTL–target cell en-
gagements of variable potency, as described
by Ritter et al., to identify morphological
features specifically associated with more-
efficient ESCRT-dependent membrane re-
pair. Would target cells engaged by CTLs un-
der conditions that favor ESCRT-dependent
survival show more-homogeneous, perhaps
smaller ESCRT-containing membrane buds
within the cytolytic synapse?
In addition to understanding the mecha-
nism of lesion removal, another challenge
will be to determine whether other path-
ways linked to plasma membrane repair,
such as exocytosis and endocytosis ( 7 ), work
independently of or in concert with ESCRT
recruitment. Although not with the precise
localization shown by Ritter et al. for ESCRT,
exocytosis of lysosomes and rapid endocyto-
sis have been observed in cells attacked by
CTLs ( 8 ), mimicking observations in cells
permeabilized by the bacterial pore-forming
toxin streptolysin O (SLO) ( 6 , 9 ). A subse-
quent study challenged the conclusion that
CTL attack enhances target cell endocytosis
( 10 ), but this discrepancy may be ex-
plained by the different endocytosis
markers used in each study.
Granzyme molecules responsible
for the CTL lethal hit can enter tar-
get cells through perforin pores assembled
at the cell surface ( 10 ). However, it remains
possible that after granzyme entry, perfo-
rin pores are rapidly internalized. Perhaps
this explains why Ritter et al. could not de-
tect pore-like structures on the surface of
target cells by focused ion beam–scanning
electron microscopy (FIB-SEM). It will be
interesting to extend the use of FIB-SEM
to examine the endosomal compartment
of recently permeabilized CTL target cells
to see whether it undergoes the expansion
observed by others ( 6 , 8 , 9 ) and whether it
contains structures that could be attributed
to internalized perforin pores.
In addition to ESCRT proteins, others
have detected exocytosis of lysosomes at

Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA.
Email: [email protected]





Lys o s o m a l


Cytotoxic T cell

Ta r g e t c e l l

ESCRT recruited
to site of perforin



Ca2+ Ca2+

of wounded

Scission of
membrane bud?

of pores?

of lysosome

Membrane wounding and repair at the cytolytic synapse
Cytotoxic T cells secrete perforin and granzymes, which trigger target cell death. Target cells resist attack
through endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT) proteins, which may promote shedding
of perforin pores. This process may also involve Ca2+-triggered exocytosis of lysosomes and rapid endocytosis.

346 22 APRIL 2022 • VOL 376 ISSUE 6591
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