Science - USA (2022-04-22)

(Maropa) #1

By Kathleen H. Burns1,2


n 1988, physician-scientists studying
the genetic basis of hemophilia dis-
covered pathogenic long interspersed
element 1 (LINE-1) insertions in the co-
agulation factor VIII gene ( 1 ). Therein
was unequivocal evidence of a new mu-
tagenic mechanism in humans: insertions
of mobile genetic elements (transposons)
originating from the mostly silent, repeti-
tive sequences of the human genome. In
subsequent years, insertional mutagen-
esis proved a recurrent, albeit uncommon,
cause of genetic disease. Now, a paradigm
shift is placing new emphasis on transpo-
son control as a vital cellular function that
is compromised by and potentially contrib-
utes to many diseases. Transposon expres-
sion and activity is perhaps most overt in
cancers, although aberrant expression of
LINE-1, endogenous retroviruses (ERVs),
and other repeats have also been invoked
as a dimension of developmental, degen-
erative, and autoimmune diseases. As rig-
orous and accessible tools are developed to
investigate, new discoveries will clarify the
roles of repetitive elements and their regu-
lation in disease.
The human genome, like other complex
eukaryotic genomes, is filled with highly
repetitive DNA attributable to the activ-
ity of self-propagating genetic sequences.
In humans, this landscape is dominated
by retrotransposons that make new copies
of themselves by first being transcribed to
RNA intermediates and then reverse tran-
scribed to cDNA that is ultimately inte-
grated into the genome. Altogether, nearly
half of the human nuclear genome is trans-
poson-derived—a record of the activity of
various types of retrotransposons over mil-
lennia. The overwhelming majority of these
sequences are incomplete or mutated and
no longer active as mobile elements; how-
ever, there are exceptions. Subfamilies of
LINE-1 retain the ability to encode proteins
that make new genomic copies of LINE-1
and other noncoding repeats—namely Alu
short interspersed elements (SINEs) and
composite SINE-variable number tandem

repeat (VNTR)–Alu (SVA) elements. Other
functions can reside in transposable ele-
ments that are now inactive as insertional
mutagens. For example, many ERVs [ long
terminal repeat (LTR) sequences] contain
strong promoters or enhancers that can act
on nearby genes. To varying degrees, these
elements retain residual protein-coding ca-
pacity as well.
LINE-1 sequences make copies of them-
selves by producing a 6-kilobase (kb), bi-
cistronic RNA intermediate transcribed
from an internal RNA polymerase II pro-
moter. The first of its open reading frames
(ORFs) encodes ORF1p, which forms an
RNA-binding homotrimer. The second
ORF encodes ORF2p, which encompasses
endonuclease and reverse transcriptase
domains, which are responsible for mak-
ing cDNA copies of the LINE-1 RNA and
inserting these into the genome. ORF2p
functions can also be co-opted by noncod-
ing Alu and SVA elements to reverse tran-
scribe and integrate their sequences into
the genome instead of the protein-coding
LINE-1 RNA. Collectively, LINE-1, Alu, and
SVA insertions are uncommon but recur-
rent causes of genetic mutation, leading
to various constitutional genetic diseases.
In almost every case, the transposable el-
ement inserts into a critical portion of a
gene and causes a loss-of-function allele.
Disease-causing insertions can occur in
or be transmitted by the germline and thus
establish an allele frequency in a human
population. Another effect of germline
transmission is that each individual inher-
its a different complement of active trans-
posons ( 2 ). It may follow that the expres-
sion of mobile elements and the burden
of retrotransposition consequently varies
from person to person, and whether there
are limits to what is tolerable is unknown.
During development and in adults, trans-
position may contribute to genetic hetero-
geneity in various tissues (somatic mosa-
icism), but to what degree and whether
this is pathogenic are difficult to know.
Baseline activity may be physiologic. It has
been hypothesized that somatic retrotrans-
position is a source of functional genetic
diversity in normal neuronal development.
However, single-cell sequencing experi-
ments indicate that the level of somatically
acquired insertions in neurons is very low,

making a required role for these insertions
in normal development seem unlikely ( 3 ).
Like gene expression, transposable ele-
ment expression patterns are cell type–
specific and can depart from normal in
diseased states. For example, LINE-1 pro-
moter hypomethylation and LINE-1 over-
expression are hallmarks of many cancers,
and ORF1p accumulates in several of the
most common and commonly lethal human
malignancies ( 4 ) in association with loss of
the TP53 tumor suppressor gene ( 5 ). Other
types of retroelements show altered expres-
sion in cancers as well. This inspires prac-
tical questions, such as whether these can
be used as biomarkers of disease—as well
as more fundamental questions, such as
what regulatory mechanisms are responsi-
ble for expression of transposable elements,
and whether the expression of transpos-
able elements is epiphenomenal or causes
Transposable element–encoded regula-
tory sequences can alter chromatin states
and affect nearby gene expression (see the
figure). Thus, transposon activation may
underlie or be coordinated with gene ex-
pression changes that promote transforma-
tion, although demonstrations of this are
limited. What about transposon activation
independent of these regulatory effects?
There are anecdotal cases in which an in-
dividual has inherited a LINE-1 locus that
escaped silencing by promoter methylation
and went on to “drive” tumor development
through insertional mutagenesis, disrupt-
ing expression of the adenomatous pol-
yposis coli (APC) tumor suppressor gene
in colonic epithelium and leading to colon
cancer ( 6 ). Overt cancer-driving mutations
such as these are rare, however.
Somatically acquired LINE-1 insertions
that appear to be “passengers” (nondriver
alterations) in cancer genomes are much
more commonplace ( 7 ). If individual inser-
tions are functionally unimportant, do they
collectively represent a meaningful muta-
tional signature? Recent studies indicate
that LINE-1 insertion intermediates can
cause chromosomal rearrangements ( 7 ) and
pose barriers to DNA replication ( 8 ). These
data suggest that DNA lesions induced dur-
ing transposition may have underrecog-
nized roles in shaping cancer genomes and
that acquiring tolerance for LINE-1 activity
may be a prerequisite for tumorigenesis.
Given the widespread expression of
LINE-1 in cancers, it may be an intuitive
assumption that transposable element
activation promotes malignant growth.
Paradoxically, however, imposing transpo-
son expression in experimental systems
is often cytotoxic. Expression of LINE-1,
Alu, and ERV elements can induce in-

(^1) Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA.
(^2) Harvard Medical School, Boston MA, USA.
Email: [email protected]
Transposons become a focus of speculation and
scrutiny in biomedical research
Repetitive DNA in disease
22 APRIL 2022 • VOL 376 ISSUE 6591 353

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