The Week Junior - UK (2022-04-23)

(Maropa) #1

23 April 2022 • The Week Junior 23

Book club

*If you are the competition winner, we will only use the details you provide to contact you and arrange delivery of your competition prize.
Further details about how we manage the data you provide can be found at

These exciting stories of writers will
perhaps inspire you to get creative.


books about

young journalists

Twelve Minutes to Midnight
by Christopher Edge
(Nosy Crow)
In Victorian London, 13-year-old
Penelope Tredwell is the owner of
a bestselling magazine, The Penny
Dreadful. She’s always on the look-out for
mysteries to fill the pages but when she receives
a strange letter, she is quickly entangled in an
adventure more mysterious and terrifying than
she could ever have imagined.

Kate On the Case: The Call of
the Silver Wibbler
by Hannah Peck
(Piccadilly Press)
In the second adventure for reporter-
in-training Kate and her mouse
Rupert, the fearless duo set sail on a river cruise
through the jungle to help a friend prove the
existence of the legendary Silver Wibbler bird.
This is a quirky mystery with brilliant illustrations.

Write and Design Your Own Magazines
by Sarah Hull
After reading about these young
reporters, perhaps you’ll want to
have a go yourself. This fun guide
will help you create a magazine of your own.
Write reviews and articles, produce drawings and
photos or try your hand at making a comic or zine
(magazine). You’ll also find links to websites
where you can find inspiration, hints and tips.

The Invisible Boy
by Alyssa Hollingsworth.
Illustrated by Deborah Lee
(Piccadilly Press)
Nadia is determined to be a detective
and reporter. When she meets a boy
she’s never seen before, she’s intrigued and
decides to find out his story. This is a thought-
provoking adventure story that explores the issues
of children who are cruelly forced to work.

Ajay and the Mumbai Sun
by Varsha Shah.
Illustrated by Sònia Albert
(Chicken House)
Abandoned on the Indian railways,
Ajay has grown up longing to be a
journalist. When he finds an abandoned printing
press, he and his friends decide to create their
own newspaper. Can they use it to reveal the
truth, fight for justice and save their home?




Lissa Evans
The Wished writer reveals her love of
Venice and dislike of rock climbing.

Email your book review to hello@ If your review
is printed in the magazine you’ll
receive a Roving Reporter badge. Sum up
the book in three words and write one
sentence telling us what you liked about it.
Please include your name and address.*

Skulduggery Pleasant
by Derek Landy
“Cool, Spooky, Gripping.
Skulduggery Pleasant is a thrilling
story that keeps drawing you in
and will make you read all night.”

Name: Modi

by Lissa Evans.
Illustrated by Bec Barnes
(David Fickling)

Roving ReporterJunior


We’ve got five copies of Wished to
give away to some lucky readers.

For a chance to win a copy, just send your name and
address to [email protected] and put
WISHED in the subject line.* Closing date: midnight on
Friday 29 April. See ^ for rules.

What was the last thing
that made you laugh?
When my dog rolled over, fell
off the sofa and was too lazy
to get back on again.
Have you always wanted
to write a book?
Yes. I still have the little yellow
notebook in which I wrote my
first long story when I was
about eight.

Dream holiday
Venice, Italy. It’s like a jewel
box and there’s so much to

look at – I could stand by the
Grand Canal all day, watching
the water traffic.
Favourite childhood story?
Too many to list. I’ll tell you
the one I didn’t like: that
annoying fairy story about
Chicken Licken running about
complaining that the sky’s
going to fall on his head.
Greatest fear?
Rock climbing. I did a bit at
school and was absolutely
terrified the entire time, even
though I was safely roped up.
Heights make the back of my
knees feel weird.

Ed isn’t happy when he learns that he
and his sister Roo have to spend their
half-term with an elderly neighbour,
Miss Filey, and her ancient, smelly cat.
He’s expecting to be bored senseless

  • but in fact, what happens at
    Miss Filey’s house is far from
    boring. Together with a new
    friend, he finds a box of very old
    birthday candles and makes an
    astonishing discovery. Each of the
    birthday candles will grant them
    a wish, but it only lasts as long as the
    candle is burning. Of course, the wishes
    soon lead to trouble. Miss Filey
    disappears and they have to set
    out on a rescue mission. This hugely
    entertaining tale of magic and
    misadventure will remind you of classic
    adventure stories. Very funny and
    sparkling with imagination, Wished is
    a delightful story about what happens
    when wishes come true.



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