RNA Detection

(nextflipdebug2) #1

2 Materials

2.1 In Situ
Hybridization (ISH)

For ISH, researchers are free to use their favorite established

2.2 Imaging of
the ISH Samples

  1. Since large numbers of samples need to be imaged for the
    construction of the ISH atlas, access to a microscope with
    automatization possibility is advisable. We use Leica SP8 with
    40 oil immersion objective, and use the mark-and-find func-
    tion for automated serial acquisition of image stacks.

2.3 Generation of a
Gene Expression Atlas

  1. Fiji [1].

  2. Python.

  3. ITK [2].

  4. R-Bioconductor [3] software.

  5. Obtain the scripts published in Asadulina et al. 2012 [4] and
    Vergara et al. 2016 [5].

2.4 Single-Cell
(scRNAseq) and
Mapping the
scRNAseq Data
to the Reference

For the scRNAseq, the researcher is free to use any available
approach (seeNote 1) Here, we have used the C1 Single-cell
Auto Prep platform by Fluidigm.

  1. Obtain the C1 Single-cell Auto Prep IFC for mRNA-seq,
    designed to fit your cell size range (seeNotes 2and 3 ).

  2. Obtain the following kits and reagents: SMARTer Ultra Low
    Input RNA Kit and ADVANTAGE-2 PCR kit (Clontech),
    ERCC spike-in RNA (Ambion,) Nextera XT DNA Sample
    Preparation kit (Illumina)

  3. Installbowtie2[6] andHTseq1[7].

2.5 Spatial Mapping

  1. InstallR[3].

  2. TheRscripts for spatial mapping are published in Achim et al.
    (2015) [8].
    Download these scripts via the following link:https://github.

  3. TheBioWeb3D[9] based interface for the visualization of the
    reference voxels and spatial mapping results can be accessed via
    the following link: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/~jbpettit/map_

2.6 Data
Management Solutions

  1. Since significant amounts of raw metadata will be produced and
    processed, a strategy for the storage, management, and stream-
    lined data processing should be developed, preferably prior to
    starting with the experiments.

112 Kaia Achim et al.

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