3.3.2 Subsetting and
Normalization of RNA-Seq
- Select only the genes that are represented in the atlas, and
create aRNA_seq.csvfile, containing in rows the cells that
you want to map against the atlas, and in columns, the genes
for which expression data is present in the atlas. - For normalization, calculate tpm [11] for the final dataset.
3.3.3 Spatial Mapping:
Formatting and Loading
the Data
- Load the downloaded analysis functions in R:
- The data should be organized in the following files:
atlas: table containing binary expression data values forN
voxels (rows) andMgenes (columns), such as one created in
3D_coordinates_atlas: table containing the spatial coordinates
for the voxels in the atlas. This table should contain no header.
RNA_seq: table containing normalized RNA-seq counts values
for the quality-filtered cells in rows and the genes in columns.
This table should contain only the genes common between the
RNA-seq profiles and the selected atlas, and the order of the
genes must be identical in theRNA_seq.csvandatlas.csvfiles. - Load your data in R:
atlas<- read.table("atlas",header¼TRUE,sep¼"\t")
coordinates<- read.table("3D_coordinates_atlas",header¼FALSE,sep¼",")
rna_seq<- read.table("RNA_seq",header¼TRUE,sep¼"\t")
3.3.4 Spatial Mapping:
Specificity Index
- In order to filter out noise and better match the RNAseq and
ISH data, we define a specificity ratio (seeNote 7),rc,mfor each
cell-gene combination:
a¼ 1 Da,m
whereCMis the read count matrixDwithCcells and M
genes, so thatDc,mdescribes the normalized number of reads
mapped to cellcfor genem.
The specificity index is calculated at the spatial mapping
script step:
specificity_matrix<- specificity_scores(rna_seq)
116 Kaia Achim et al.