RNA Detection

(nextflipdebug2) #1

  1. Transform the generated Rrm4-GFP expression plasmid into
    U. maydisas described in Subheading3.2 [32–34].

  2. Inoculate yeast-like growing cells in 3 mL of CM-glc in a glass
    tube and grow culture on rotation wheel for 24 h at 28C.

  3. Inoculate a main-culture in a 250 mL baffled flask by mixing
    15 μL of the 24 h culture with 30 mL CM-glc medium and
    incubate it for 15–20 h shaking with 200 rpm at 28C.

  4. For induction of hyphal growth measure the optical density
    (OD 600 ) of the cultures and centrifuge the corresponding vol-
    ume at 3500gfor 5 min to obtain an OD 600 of 0.5 in 20 mL.
    Wash once with NM-glc media and resuspend the cells in 20 mL
    of the same media to induce hyphal growth (seeNote 3).
    Continue shaking with 200 rpm at 28C for 7–8 h.

  5. Prepare agarose cushions by pipetting 250μL melted agarose
    solution on a microscope slide. Add a second slide directly on
    top of the agarose drop, parallel to the lower slide. After
    20–30 min one slide can be removed by carefully sliding it

  6. Pipet 1μL of the cell culture onto the cushion, distribute the
    cell culture by swaying the slide and let it dry for 1–2 min (see
    Note 4).

  7. To visualize motile Rrm4-GFP signals choose appropriate illu-
    mination for the excitation of chosen fluorophores (here GFP,
    488 nm excitation); use the 63or the 100objective and
    apply a laser power (100 mW) of 30–40%.

  8. Record movies with 150 frames and 150 ms exposure time at
    each frame (seeNote 5).

  9. Use the camera in stream mode to visualize movement
    throughout the hyphae and ensure the fastest acquisition.
    Rrm4 shuttles bidirectionally along microtubules throughout
    the whole cell (Fig.2a).

  10. After recording moving Rrm4-Gfp signals, convert the movie
    into a kymograph, which plots traveled distance over time
    using the software package MetaMorph (Fig.2a and b;see
    Note 6). Processively moving Rrm4-Gfp signals are depicted
    as diagonal lines (Fig.2a and b).

  11. The velocity of moving RBPs can be measured by marking such
    processive Rrm4-Gfp signals. For this, the start and end point
    of the moving signal is connected by a line (Fig.2b). The
    travelled distance per time represents the velocity of the
    moving signal (Software package Metamorph, Version 7).

326 Sabrina Zander et al.

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