RNA Detection

(nextflipdebug2) #1

  1. If pronounced photobleaching on the MCP-GFP channel is
    detected reduce the laser power and/or reduce the frequency
    of acquisition.

  2. The laser power will have to be reduced dramatically so as to
    not saturate and damage the detectors.


The authors are grateful through support provided by the Prince-
ton Dickie Fellowship (H.G.), the Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Career Award at the Scientific Interface (H.G.), the Sloan
Research Foundation (H.G.), the Searle Scholars Program (T.G.
and H.G.), the Shurl & Kay Curci Foundation (H.G.), the Human
Frontier Science Program (H.G.), and the National Institutes of
Health Grants P50 GM071508 and R01 GM097275 (T.G.).


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356 Hernan G. Garcia and Thomas Gregor

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