RNA Detection

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3.2 Imaging RNA in
Fixed Cells by Using
CuAAC Reaction

  1. After transfecting AMUTP for 1 h, remove the transfection
    mix. Wash the cells in each well three times with 1 mL of 1
    PBS (seeNote 11).

  2. Add freshly prepared 1 mL of 3.7% formaldehyde in 1PBS to
    each well and incubate for 15 min at RT.

  3. Remove the fixative and wash the cells in each well twice with

  4. Add 1 mL of Triton X 0.5% solution to each well and further
    incubate the cells at RT for 15 min.

  5. Meantime prepare fresh CuAAC reaction mix.

  6. Remove the Triton X 0.5% solution (step 4), then wash the
    cells in each well with 1 mL of 1PBS (35 min). Remove
    the wash solution.

  7. Add 500μL of freshly prepared CuAAC reaction mix to each
    well. Swirl the plate gently to insure even distribution of reac-
    tion mix over the coverslip.

  8. Incubate the plate for 30 min at RT in dark.

  9. Remove the reaction cocktail and wash the cells with 1 mL of
    wash buffer (1PBS containing 2 mM sodium azide) for
    20 min and rinse again with 1 mL of 1PBS.

  10. Counter-stain the DNA by using DAPI (500μL, 2μg/mL) in
    dark for 2 min at RT. Wash the coverslips with 1 mL of 1PBS
    (seeNote 8).

  11. Remove the coverslip and place it upside-down on a micro-
    scope slide containing 10μL of SlowFade Gold Antifade
    Mountant (Invitrogen). Seal the edges of coverslip using nail

  12. Image the cells using a confocal laser scanning microscope with
    an oil immersion objective at 40or 63(Fig.3,seeNotes 5
    and 12 ).

3.3 Imaging RNA in
Fixed Cells by Using
SPAAC Reaction

  1. Perform the steps as enumerated in Subheading3.1 (steps
    1 – 6 ) and3.2 (steps 1– 4 ).

  2. Prepare a fresh cyclooctyne dye solution and transfer it to the

  3. Swirl the plate gently to insure even distribution of reaction
    mix over the coverslip.

  4. Incubate the plate for 2 h at RT in dark.

  5. Wash cells once with 1 mL of Triton X 0.01% solution. Further,
    wash the cells with 1 mL of 1PBS for 5 min. Repeat this
    washing step with 1PBS two more times.

  6. Counter-stain DNA with DAPI and image the cells by follow-
    ing thesteps 9– 12 described in Subheading3.2 (Fig.4).

Imaging Newly Transcribed RNA in Cells 365
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