RNA Detection

(nextflipdebug2) #1


We thank Christine Surka, Alexander Shishkin, and Jesse Engreitz
for theirhelp in developingthe RAP-MS method and ParhamPeyda,
Tony Szempruch, and Ward Walkup IV for their helpful comments
on the manuscript. This work was supportedby a Caltech Division of
Biology and Biological Engineering Fellowship and a National Insti-
tute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health
Pathway to Independence Award (K99GM120494) to C.A.M., as
wellas the New York StemCellFoundation, anNIHDirector’sEarly
Independence Award (DP5OD012190), the Edward Mallinckrodt
Foundation, Sontag Foundation, Searle Scholars Program, Pew-
Steward Scholars program, and funds from the California Institute
of Technology to M.G.


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488 Colleen A. McHugh and Mitchell Guttman

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