RNA Detection

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  1. 254 nm and 365 nm emission UV bulbs (e.g., Agilent

  2. Gel imager (e.g., Bio-Rad Gel Doc XR+).

  3. 300 nm blue light transilluminator (e.g., Clare Chemical
    Research Dark Reader).

  4. qPCR machine capable of removal of individual samples amid
    reaction (e.g., Stratagene Mx3005p).

  5. 1.5 mL siliconized microcentrifuge tubes (e.g., MidSci).

  6. 0.5 mL 10 kDa cutoff Centrifugal Filter Unit (e.g., Millipore
    Amicon Ultra-0.5 10 k).

  7. Centrifuge tube filters, 0.45μm (e.g., Sigma-Aldrich Corning
    Costar Spin-X).

  8. DNA purification columns (e.g., Zymo Research, DNA Clean
    & Concentrator-5 columns).

  9. RNA purification columns (e.g., Zymo Research, RNA Clean
    & Concentrator-5 columns).

  10. Magnetic Eppendorf-tube stand (e.g., Thermo Fisher

2.5 Software 1. Java, Perl, and Python interpreters.

  1. Trimmomatic [22].

  2. icSHAPE pipeline (https://github.com/qczhang/icSHAPE).

  3. fastQC (http://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/

  4. STAR [23].

  5. SAMtools [24].

  6. samPairingCalling.pl (https://github.com/qczhang/paris).

  7. mfold [25].

  8. sam2ngmin.py (https://github.com/zhipenglu/).

  9. IGV genome browser [26].

  10. maf_extract_ranges_indexed.py (bxpython package,https://

  11. RNAalifold [27].

  12. SISSIz [28].

  13. Alternativestructure.py (https://github.com/zhipenglu/

  14. RNAcofold (from the Vienna RNA package).

PARIS: Psoralen Analysis of RNA Interactions and Structures 65
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