Telling the Evolutionary Time: Molecular Clocks and the Fossil Record

(Grace) #1

Figure 6.1 Phylogenetic position of the Foraminifera among ‘crown’ Eukaryotes, inferred from 50
complete SSU rRNA sequences with the maximum likelihood method, using fastDNAml (Olsen et
al. 1994). Numbers next to the names of the eukaryotic clades are their bootstrap support values
after 200, 800, and 400 replicates for maximum likelihood, neighbour-joining, and maximum
parsimony analyses of the data, respectively. Bootstrap support percentages between and within
these clades are omitted for clarity. The Foraminifera are most probably derived from within the
Cercozoa (grey box), as indicated by the high support values. Probable divergence times are given
according to fossil data or as deduced from partial SSU rRNA tree calibration; calculated rates of
substitution (in changes/1000 sites per 10^6 years) are indicated for the stem-lineage leading to the
Foraminifera and for the radiation of the group (see text for more details). The tree was arbitrarily
rooted with two sequences from the genus Trimastix. All branches are drawn to scale.

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