Telling the Evolutionary Time: Molecular Clocks and the Fossil Record

(Grace) #1

The data matrix was processed with PAUP4.0b10 under the following search settings:
1000 random stepwise additions with one tree held in memory at any one time
(MAXTREES=1), followed by TBR branch-swapping (MAXTREES=unlimited) on trees
in memory. The initial run, with all characters unordered and equally weighted, yielded
25 equally parsimonious trees at 139 steps (CI=0.4779; RI=0.694; RC=0.3395), a strict
consensus of which is shown in Figure 11.11A. Reweighting characters by the maximum
value of their rescaled consistency indices gives five trees (CI=0.6722; RI=0.849; RC=0.
5884). The strict consensus of these (Figure 11.11B) has been used to construct
Figure 11.4.
If characters 36 (position of centre of radiation on prearticular) and 46 (enclosure of
mandibular canal) are ordered as in Ahlberg and Clack’s (1998) analysis, then a PAUP

run with all characters equally weighted gives five most parsimonious trees at 140 steps
(CI=0.4745; RI=0.7025; RC=0.3412), the strict consensus of which is illustrated in
Figure 11.11C. If characters are reweighted by the maximum value of their rescaled
consistency indices, then a single tree is obtained (Figure 11.11D; CI=0.6772; RI=0.
8641; RC=0.603).

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