Telling the Evolutionary Time: Molecular Clocks and the Fossil Record

(Grace) #1

divergence 210
fossil and molecular evidence 69–71
ghost ranges 103
Neornithes radiations 263–78
oldest fossils 73
phylogenetic fuse 43
radiation 66
bivalves, ghost ranges 99, 101
Bombacaceae 151
bootstrap resampling 146, 150, 159
brachiopods 47, 102, 180, 182
Bright Angel Shale 130
bryophytes 35, 121, 122, 124
divergence times 135
phytodebris 131–2
spore fossils 127, 130
tetrads 128
bryozoans 102
Burgess Shale 181
Buxaceae 157

Cabombaceae 155
caecilians 225, 229, 237
Caerorhachis 229, 235, 237
calcichordates 102, 194
calibration 49–50, 59
angiosperm divergence 157, 159
chordate origins 207
fossils 111–13
land plants origin 135
multiple points 68
Neornithes radiations 266
relative ages 146
Bilateria origins 166–70, 172–83
chordate origins 193, 211
embryophyte spores 130–1
Explosion 27–40, 41–65, 166–7, 173–83
fossil coexistence 95
palynomorphs 133
Campanian, angiosperm divergence 143, 146,
151, 160
Camptostroma 193
Caprimulgiformes 69–70
Caradoc, cuticle phytodebris 132
carbon burial 35
carbon isotope excursion 36

carpoids 193
carrying capacity 171–2
Casineria 234–5, 237, 247, 248
angiosperm divergence 143, 152, 160
mass extinction 75
diversification 76
Neornithes radiations 274
centre of origin theories 175
cephalochordates 191, 206
cercozoans 114
Chelicerata 45, 47, 101
Chengjiang fauna 46
Chlamydomonas 135
Chloranthaceae 155, 157
chondrichthyes 103, 191, 203, 208–9
Chordata 180, 190–223
chronograms, angiosperm divergence 146, 150,
153–4, 155, 156, 158
clades 79–84
lag intervals 176
metrics 80–2
taxon ranges 170–1
trilobites 175
cladistics 80
ghost ranges 91–106
Neornithes radiations 267–74
tetrapods 224–50
angiosperms 144
chordate origins 197–205, 210
stratigraphic data 91
tetrapods 226, 227, 231, 236
Cloudina 178
Clusiaceae 160
Doushantuo Formation 168
Ediacaran taxa 178
ghost ranges 100
codon models 55
Coleochaete 122
coleoids 101
collector curve 96, 104
colosteids 236
concatenation approach 30
confidence intervals 50, 52, 79
chordate origins 204, 205

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