Telling the Evolutionary Time: Molecular Clocks and the Fossil Record

(Grace) #1

assumptions 41–2
Bilateria origin dating 166–89
biotic signal 74–5, 76, 77
Cambrian explosion 41–8, 59
chordate origins 190–223
confidence intervals 52
Foraminifera 111–13
heterogeneity 74–7
land plants origin 124–33, 135, 136
mammalian/avian divergence 29–30
metazoans 31–2
Neornithes radiations 263–78
oldest 73–4
phylogenetic fuses 108, 111–13, 115
quality 66–90
tetrapods 224–62
see also ghost lineages/ranges
FreqRat 72, 79
frogs 225, 238–9
fungi, Snowball Earth events 28–37

Galliformes 267, 271–2, 273
Gallinuloides 272, 273
Galloanserae 270–3
gap analysis 69, 71, 196–7
gap excess ratio (GER) 81–2, 83, 199–200,
201, 202, 203, 204, 210
gastropods, ghost ranges 100
gene duplication 47–8
general time-reversible (GTR) model 55, 109
generation-time effect 6–7
Geon 5 167
ghost lineage durations (GLDs) 82
ghost lineages/ranges 81, 82, 83, 91–106, 197
chordate origins 197–9, 200, 203, 204,
206, 208
lissamphibians 245
globigerinids 110, 111
globins 6
G. inflata 114
G. scitula 111
G. truncatulinoides 111, 113
globorotaliids 110, 111
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6pd) 7
glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gpdh) 7,

gnathostomes 191–2, 199, 207–9, 210–11
graptolites 97, 99, 102, 171
green algae 120
divergence times 135
transformation to land plants 122, 123
group sampling 72–3, 79

hagfishes 191, 195, 201, 206, 207, 210
Haikouella 193
Haikouichthys 207
halkieriids 178
hamamelids 143, 152
helcionellids 178
helicoplacoids 193
Hemichordata 180, 191, 193, 206
heterostracans 202, 203
hidden Markov models (HMM) 56
HKY85 model 55, 145
homoplasy 157, 236

Ichthyornis 265
Ichthyostega 42, 226, 228, 231
Illiciaceae 157
implied gap (IG) 82
independence, phylogenetics 79–80
index of dispersion 6
individual protein (IP) approach 48
invariant sites 56–7

jacknife support 160
Jukes-Cantor (JC69) model 54–5
angiosperm divergence 152, 157
Neornithes radiations 263

Kimberella 168

Lactoridaceae 155, 157
lag intervals 176, 177
Lamiales 155, 160
lampreys 191–2, 195, 201, 206, 207, 208, 210
law of large numbers 2, 7, 22
lepospondyls 225–6, 228, 236, 237–8
lignins 35
likelihood methods 52
Bayesian inference 57
Bilateria origins 170

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