Telling the Evolutionary Time: Molecular Clocks and the Fossil Record

(Grace) #1

Daldynian 45
nematodes 35, 47
nematophytes 131
Neognathae 267
chordate origins 206, 209, 212–13
Snowball Earth events 27–40
Neornithes, basal radiations 263–78
neutral theory 2, 6–7
non-independence 53
non-parametric rate smoothing (NPRS) 58, 136,
145–6, 157, 159, 160
non-stationarity 56
Normapolles 157, 159
nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDK) 58–9
nucleotide models 54–5
Nymphaeaceae, angiosperm divergence 155,

Onychophora 180
Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) 229,
235, 250
chordate origins 199, 203, 204, 205, 209,
land plants origin 127, 129, 132, 136
mass extinction 76
Osteichthyes 209
osteolepiforms 224
osteostracans 191, 203
ostracoderms 194, 204
ostracods 99, 101
outliers 52
oxygen levels 35, 36

pairwise distance methods 48, 60, 109
Palaebiology Database (PD) project 78, 79
Palaeognathae 267, 268–70, 273
Palaeotis 268–70
Palaeozoic, tetrapods 225, 226, 228
palynomorphs 127, 130–1, 133
Pannotia, break-up 175
Paraortygoides 272, 273
parsimony method 53
angiosperm divergence 145, 157
Neornithes radiations 269
stem-groups 181

Permian, mass extinction 76, 77
Phanerozoic 95, 169
phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (Pgd) 8–22
phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) 58–9
phylogenetic fuse 41–65, 67
phylogenetic uncertainty 60
phylogenetics 79–80
Physcomitrella 135
phytodebris, dispersed 131–2
Pinnatiramosus qianensis 125
Placentian Stage 45
placoderms 103, 203–4
planktonic graptolite 171
planktonic species 109, 111
angiosperm divergence times 142–65
oldest fossils 73
origin of land plants 119–41
phylogenetic fuse 43
Snowball Earth events 28–37
Platanaceae 155, 157
Poaceae 157, 159
point processes 52
Poisson distribution
Bilateria origins 170, 182
molecular clock 52–3
population size hypothesis 6, 7
Bilateria origins 167, 168, 172–3
crown-groups 181
Presbyornis 270–1, 273
Priapulida 180
primate-rodent divergence 50
Proteaceae 155
Bilateria origins 168–9, 181, 182
chordate origins 206
faunal succession 178
Protofagacea 146
Protofagaceae 157, 159
pseudo-Snowball event 36–7
pterobranchs 193

quartet method 68

radiations 66
adaptive 31, 68

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