Telling the Evolutionary Time: Molecular Clocks and the Fossil Record

(Grace) #1

Sturtian glaciation 32–3
stylophorans 194
substitution rates
Foraminifera 109–11, 113
land plants origin 134–5
sum of minimum implied gaps (SMIG) 82
superoxide dismutase (Sod) 8–22, 53
synapomorphies 42, 45, 85
synapsids 246

T92+GC model 55
Tardigrada 180
taxon sampling 157, 159
teleosts, ghost ranges 99, 103
temnospondyls 225, 228, 235, 236, 237, 238–
9, 248
K-T boundary 43, 76, 77, 264, 273
Neornithes radiations 273, 274
Tetracentraceae 157
tetrads 128, 129
tetrapods, evolution 224–62
textulariids 109, 111, 113
thelodonts 203
Tommotian, Bilateria origins 181
total-groups 2, 45, 192, 210
Tournaisian, tetrapods 234, 239, 245, 247, 250
trace fossils 168–70, 178
tracheophtyes 135
Triadobatrachus 245, 248
triaperturate pollen 143, 152
angiosperm divergence 157
mass extinction 76, 77
tetrapods 245, 248
Tribrachidium 192
trilete spores 125–6, 128–9
ghost ranges 99, 101
Proterozoic absence 182
vicariant patterns 175
triose phosphate isomerase (TPI) 8–22, 58–9
True Polar Wander 54
tubular structures 131–2
Tulerpeton 228, 231, 234
tunicates 191, 193, 194

angiosperm divergence 155, 160
mass extinction 75

undertracks 169

Valanginian, angiosperm divergence 143, 152
vascular plants 35
Viséan, tetrapods 234, 235, 239, 244, 245,
247, 250

biologically enhanced 35
land plants origin 134
Wenlock, rhyniophytoid plants 125
Westlothiana 235, 236, 250
Whatcheeria 234, 235, 236

xanthine dehydrogenase (Xdh) 8–22, 53

Yunnanozoon 193

Zingiberaceae, angiosperm divergence 157
zoantharians 100

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