Wrestling with Nature From Omens to Science

(Romina) #1

406 Index

ics, 88, 99, 105, 160; on subalternate /
subordinate sciences, 96, 97, 151–53,
154, 155, 157; theology of, 53, 55, 65,
72, 98, 104
arithmetic, 150, 151, 162, 187, 189. See also
Arnold, Matthew, 263
ar- Ra ̄zı ̄, Abu Bakr, 63, 66
as- Suhrawardı ̄, Shiha ̄b, 69
astrology, 288, 290, 298; and astronomy, 5,
11, 20, 46, 91, 91, 105, 288; Babylonian,
11, 12, 20; Greek, 43, 46; medieval, 92,
105; as pseudoscience, 282, 286, 290,
298, 299, 300
astronomical diaries, 18–19, 20, 23
astronomy, 364–65, 366; Babylonian, 9, 11,
12, 20, 32, 33, 41, 178; Copernican,
191; Greek, 12, 22, 33, 41, 44–45, 46,
66; mathematical, 21, 30, 31, 44, 150,
151, 153; medieval, 84, 86, 87, 89, 92,
93, 96, 97, 102, 105, 106, 203
atheism, 258, 291, 359, 393
atomism, 43, 52–53, 55. See also corpuscu-
Attenborough, David, 142
Auber, T. C. E. Edouard, 206
Augustine of Hippo, 85, 86, 87, 89
Austen, Ralph, 129
Averroës, 60, 62, 71–72, 77, 93
Avicenna, 60, 62, 63, 68–70, 72, 75, 77, 123,

Babbage, Charles, 341
Babylonia, 9, 11
Bache, Alexander Dallas, 286, 287, 288, 347
Bacon, Francis, 149, 317; on classifi cation of
the sciences, 132, 133; on experiment,
125; inductive method of, 99, 124, 125,
139, 205–6, 229, 266, 311–13, 316–17,
319, 320, 328, 389; on mixed math-
ematics 149, 151, 155, 158; on natural
history, 123, 124, 125, 126, 132–33,
134, 138, 139–40, 143; on natural
philosophy, 133, 158, 166; theology of,
125, 127, 132
Bacon, Raymond, 237
Bacon, Roger, 94, 97, 99
Baconianism, 162, 205, 265, 311–14, 315,
316, 318, 319, 328; and Darwin, 139,
140, 266, 316, 317; and the Royal Soci-
ety, 127, 133, 134
Bakhmeteff, Boris, 241–42

Balfour, Arthur, 350
Banks, Joseph, 391
Barbaro, Ermolao, 121
Barbour, Ian, 269
Barrow, Isaac, 156
Barrow, John, 386
Barth, Karl, 267
Bartholomeus Anglicus, 120
Beach, Wooster, 213
Beard, Charles, 237
Beaumont, William, 209
Becker, Lydia, 358
Bede, the Venerable, 120
Beeckman, Isaac, 155–56
behaviorism, 325
Behe, Michael, 328
Benga, Ota, 389–90
Berlitz, Charles, 297
Bernard, Claude, 201, 210, 215
Berossus, 11
Bézout, Etienne, 187, 188
Biancani, Giuseppe, 152
Bianchini, Francesco, 195–96
Bible, 254, 256, 257, 307, 366; and creation-
ism, 270, 271, 282; interpretation of,
86, 89, 93, 121, 129, 134, 267, 269, 395;
and natural history, 120, 121, 126, 127,
129, 135, 255; Newton and, 394–96;
as a source of scientifi c knowledge, 94,
135, 136, 137, 258, 265, 269
Bichat, Xavier, 206
Bigelow, Henry J., 210
Bigelow, Jacob, 227
bioethics, 253
biology, 47–48, 66, 117, 176, 238, 240, 343,
347–49, 352; experimental, 141; expla-
nations in, 48, 141; relation to natural
history, 141, 347–48, 352, 367; origin
of the term, 148n, 120, 348. See also
botany; natural history; zoology
Biot, Jean Baptiste, 175, 178, 188
Bishop, Louis Faugères, 214
Bixby, James Thompson, 256, 258
Black, Joseph, 190
Blake, William, 313
Blund, John, 93
Boas, Franz, 293
Bock, Hieronymous, 122
Boëthius, 83, 85, 86–88, 89, 150
Bohr, Niels, 166
Bonaventure, Saint, 95
Bonnet, Charles, 138
Bonpland, Aimé, 385

Aristotle (continued)


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