Wrestling with Nature From Omens to Science

(Romina) #1

414 Index

Ptolemy, Claudius, 39, 48, 66, 67–68, 93, 95,
103, 153; Almagest, 19, 90, 96, 150; and
mathematics, 44–47, 85; and optics, 97
pure science. See science: pure
Pye- Smith, Philip H., 216
Pythagoras, 89

quadrivium, 86–88, 89, 90, 92, 95, 96, 97,
150, 151, 155
quaestio, 92, 101
quackery. See pseudoscience

Ramm, Bernard, 269
Rankine, William Macquorn, 351
Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke, 12
Ray, John, 124, 130, 131, 137
Redfern, Percy, 365–66
Reed, Charles A. L., 214
Reese, David Meredith, 286
Regiomontanus, Johannes, 83, 98, 103, 105,
religion, 130, 175, 254, 260, 262–63, 264,
265, 294, 394, 396; ancient, 31, 32, 55,
86; rational, 130. See also science: and
religion; theology
remedies, medical, 87, 119, 122, 128, 208
revelation, divine, 28
Réverend, Dominique, 130
Rice, Stuart, 308
Rice, William North, 317
Richards, Charles, 234
Ridgway, Robert, 234
Ritschl, Albrecht, 262
ritual, 26, 32, 55
Robinson, Thomas, 135
Rockefeller, John Davison, 211
Roelofs, Howard, 307–8, 321, 322
Rogers, William, 228
Roget, Paul M., 313
Roget, Peter, 138–39
Rohault, Jacques, 175, 176, 178
Roman Catholicism, 195, 253, 257, 266–67,
291, 318, 350, 395–96
Röntgen, Wilhelm, 216
Ross, Edward Alsworth, 290
Rossmässler, Emil Adolf, 368–69
Roux, Émile, 216
Rowland, Henry, 228–30, 231, 233
Royal Academy of Sciences, Paris, 133, 181,
182, 185, 186, 187, 188, 192, 194; and
instrumentation, 176; and natural
theology, 130; and observation, 124–25;
and popular culture, 184

Royal Institution, 367, 344, 341–42
Royal Society of London, 125, 138, 179,
182, 186, 188, 189, 190, 194, 268, 272;
and Baconianism, 127, 133, 134; and
experimental natural philosophy, 157,
158; and instrumentation, 176; motto
of, 186; natural history collection of,
124, 126; and popular culture, 184
Rozier, François, 192
Rozier, Jean François Pilâtre de, 186–87, 192
Rudolph, John, 327
Rupke, Nicolaas, 393
Ruse, Michael, 298
Rush, Benjamin, 205, 208, 214
Rutherford, Ernest, 141

Salerno, 88, 91
Saccheri, Girolamo, 191
Sacrobosco, John. See John of Sacrobosco
Sagan, Carl, 297, 298
Said, Edward, 382
Sarton, George, 1–2, 201–2
Schaub, Edward L., 263
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph, 179
Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott, 293
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 261
Schlözer, August Ludwig, 193
scholasticism, 77
science: Adamic, 127–28, 142; applied,
202, 225, 226, 227, 228–36, 237, 238,
240, 242, 246–47, 288; authority of,
6, 225, 311, 321, 322, 330, 342, 364,
365; geography of, 377–96; history of,
1–4, 141, 201–2, 338, 369–70; modern,
173, 201, 209, 256, 257, 270, 271,
311, 321, 345, 362; nature of, 101–2;
orthodoxy of, 6, 265, 283–85, 288,
289, 291, 294, 295, 296, 301, 310, 326,
327, 340; popular / popularization of,
287, 289, 290, 292, 294, 295, 297, 298,
299, 313, 314, 316, 319, 321, 323, 330,
339–40, 341, 354–60, 362–65, 367–69;
professionalization of, 6, 261, 288, 291,
296, 338, 340, 346–47, 353, 355–60,
362–63, 367–69; progress of, 1–2,
345; and the public, 340, 341–43, 349,
384–85; pure, 225, 226, 227, 228–36,
237, 242, 246–47, 288; and religion, 2,
6, 141, 214, 253–58, 260–74, 288, 290,
298–99, 311, 317–18, 322, 330, 338–39,
350, 351–53, 361; rhetoric of, 141, 156,
178, 184, 230, 233, 235, 236, 240, 270,
283–84, 285, 288, 290, 292, 294, 296,


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