Wrestling with Nature From Omens to Science

(Romina) #1

416 Index

Troostwijk, Adriaan Paets van, 181
Tuchman, Arleen, 207
Turner, John, 189
Turner, William, 122
Twain, Mark, 313
Twining, Elizabeth, 358
Tylor, Edward, 344
Tyndall, John, 291, 319, 344, 345, 362; Bel-
fast Address, 339; and naturalism, 288,
339, 351, 356, 359; on theology, 140,
261, 282, 317

UFOs, 295, 298, 299, 301, 310, 326, 327, 328
universities: and the classifi cation of knowl-
edge, 91–94; curriculum of, 100–101,
342; and engineering, 247; and mathe-
matics, 150; medieval, 84, 91–94, 100–
101, 105, 106, 123, 182, 342; modern,
237, 258, 342, 346, 353; and natural his-
tory, 131; partnership with science, 84,
105; and pure science, 231, 233, 234

Valleriola, Franciscus, 204
Veblen, Thorstein, 227, 237, 238, 239
Velikovsky, Immanuel, 296, 297, 326
Verne, Jules, 294
Verner, Samuel P., 389
Vesalius, Andreas, 201
Vespucci, Amerigo, 122
Vettius Valens, 11
Victorian science, 337–75
Vincent of Beauvais, 120
Virchow, Rudolf, 201, 215
Vitruvius, 86
void, 43, 52
Volta, Alessandro, 179, 188
von Behring, Emil, 216
von Däniken, Eric, 297
von Humboldt, Alexander, 368, 385, 386
von Karman, Theodore, 241
von Wolff, Christian, 176

Waddington, C. H., 266
Walker, Eric, 244
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 359, 392
Wallace, William, 131
Wallis, Sarah, 358
Ward, Mary, 358
Warner, John Harley, 208, 215

Waterman, Alan, 240, 242, 244
Watson, John Broadus, 293
Watt, James, 174, 190
Webb, Beatrice, 344
Weber, Ernst, 243, 245
Wedgewood, Josiah, 190
Weinberg, Stephen, 271
Wells, Herbert George, 294
Westenholz, Joan Goodnick, 27–28
Whewell, William, 341, 393; Bridgewater
Treatises, 139; and hypothesis, 312; and
mixed mathematics, 165; on unity of
science, 360–61; and the word “scien-
tist,” 180, 337–38, 342–43, 346, 348
Whiston, William, 135, 137
Whitcomb, John, Jr., 269
White, Andrew Dickson, 263–64
White, Ellen Gould, 282
Whitney, Willis, 231, 234
Whitla, William, 394–96
Wickenden, William, 235
Wilkins, John, 158
William of Conches, 88–89, 94
William of Malmesbury, 203
William of St. Cloud, 103
Williams, Raymond, 225–26, 247
Willoughby, Francis, 124
Wilson, Edward O., 272
Winter, Alison, 285
Winthrop, John, IV, 254
women in science, 357–59, 361, 369. See also
science: popular / popularization of
Wood, John George, 357
Woodward, John, 135
Woodward, R. S., 237
Work, Harold, 243–44, 245
Wright, George Frederick, 317

X- Club, 345–346
Ximenes, Leonardo, 191, 192

Young, Arthur, 189
Young, Thomas, 190

zodiac, 20, 23
zoos, 388, 389–90
zoology, 47, 118, 119, 122, 132, 141, 192,
Zornlin, Rosina, 358


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