Biology 12

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 1 The Chemistry of Life • MHR 19


The Thalidomide Dilemma
In the late 1950s, a new drug called thalidomide was
widely sold as a sleeping pill and cure for morning
sickness during pregnancy. Research had shown that
thalidomide is remarkably non-toxic, even in very high
doses. Tragically, tests did not show that the drug affects
the normal development and growth of a fetus. As a
result, thousands of women who had taken thalidomide
when pregnant gave birth to babies with missing or
malformed limbs, facial deformities, and defective internal
organs. The drug was banned for general use in 1964.
In the years since the catastrophe caused by thalidomide,
researchers have discovered more effects that the drug
has on the body. Not only does thalidomide induce
sleep and reduce nausea, but also it is a powerful anti-
inflammatory agent. It can also moderate extreme and
damaging reactions of the immune system. These effects
make it a valuable tool for treating leprosy, rheumatoid
arthritis, lupus, certain conditions associated with AIDS,
and other diseases. The dilemma is how to control and
market the use of a drug that can cause great damage,
yet has great benefits as well.

One Drug, Many Effects
It is quite common to find that pharmaceuticals developed
for one purpose have other applications. For example,
Aspirin™ was originally prescribed as a painkiller, but
much later was found to help prevent the formation of
blood clots. Prozac™ was marketed as an appetite
suppressant before it was recognized as an effective
antidepressant. Minoxidil™, used to control hypertension,
is now used to treat baldness. The interactions between
a particular drug and the body’s cells and organ systems
are often complex and poorly understood, even after a
drug has been in use for many years.

Thalidomide and Disease
How does thalidomide produce its effects? Since the
mid-1990s, scientists have learned that:
Thalidomide inhibits the movement of cells needed to
form new blood vessels. This is the property of the
drug that affects fetal development and results in
malformed limbs and organs. However, inhibition of
blood vessel growth also has important clinical value.
For example, cancerous tumours can only grow by
developing new blood supplies to provide them with
oxygen and nutrients and to carry away wastes. By
preventing the growth of new blood vessels,
thalidomide starves tumours and stunts their growth.
Thalidomide suppresses the production of a chemical
messenger called tumour necrosis factor, or TNF. This

chemical is made by blood cells as part of the body’s
immune response. However, large quantities of TNF
result in harmful inflammation — a common symptom
of autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis,
AIDS, and lupus. Thalidomide is the most effective drug
known to relieve this symptom.

Thalidomide can be used to prevent the growth of
cancerous tumours.

The Bottom Line
With little or no toxicity and a wide range of applications,
thalidomide is a valuable drug for medical use. However,
the drug’s effect on babies born a generation ago still
makes its use controversial. The Thalidomide Victims
Association of Canada is a group of individuals born with
physical defects caused by this drug. They lobby drug
companies and governments to help ensure that another
generation does not experience the same effects as
they did.

1.Debate in class the arguments for and against
prescribing a therapeutic drug that has been proven
to pose serious health risks. Who should decide on
its use? What might be the view of a person who has
physical disabilities that were caused by thalidomide?
What might be the view of a person who suffers from
life-threatening symptoms of a disease (such as
AIDS) that thalidomide can relieve?
2.Thalidomide is dangerous to fetal development for
only a very short time in early pregnancy, three to
five weeks after conception. Other approved drugs
on the market, including an acne drug, also have side
effects that include producing fetal malformations.
What other examples can you think of where lack
of complete information might distort the evaluation
of a drug?
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