Biology 12

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 15 Human Ecology • MHR 517

A second method has involved fitting logistic
curves to historical data on human population
growth and extrapolating into the future, to
determine at what population growth could be
expected to level off. In 1924, researchers using
this method estimated that the maximum size of
the human population would be two billion. The
number of people on Earth reached this around
1930 and kept increasing. In 1936, another group
estimated that the maximum would be 2.65 billion
and that this would not be achieved for another
150 years. In fact, this number was surpassed less
than 20 years later. Clearly, it is difficult to fit
curves to the pattern of human population growth,
perhaps because for awhile the human population
grew faster than any model would predict.

Limiting Factors

Many studies of the human carrying capacity have
looked at the impact of a single constraining factor
on growth. Food has been commonly thought to be
the single most important limiting factor. Thus, a
widely used formula for determining the maximum
population size is:

Although this formula seems objective, results
obtained by using it can vary depending on estimates
of the amount of food available on Earth and
estimates of the amount of food required by each
person. The food supply varies with the choice of
crops and the variety of each crop planted; these
will change as weather and soil conditions change
or as advancements in technology produce new
varieties. The supply will also depend on the land
area available for planting and amount of watering
that can be done. Year-to-year variation in food
availability will occur as a result of loss due to
pests, weather fluctuations, and waste due to
spoiling if food must be transported long distances.
The denominator of this equation can also vary,
depending on the trophic level of the humans
involved (whether they are primary or secondary
consumers) and on the amount of energy (measured
in calories or kilojoules) that they are assumed
to require.
Some ecologists have identified variables other
than food as being the most important for setting a
limit on population size. These other factors have
included things like energy, biologically accessible
nitrogen or phosphorus, fresh water, light, and
space for waste disposal. Regardless of the factor
believed to be most important, all the researchers

who have used an equation similar to the one
above have failed to examine whether some other
variable or variables might take effect even before
the factor they consider to be the most important
has begun to have an impact.

Multiple Factors
In contrast, some studies have considered
population size to be limited by the action of
multiple factors acting independently. These
are combined into equations in a variety of ways.
For example, if both water and food are considered
to act as constraints on population growth, then:

A problem with even these more complex
equations is that they do not take into account that
different parts of the human population have
different food and water requirements. Also, these
requirements may fluctuate over time. For example,
the water requirements of people in tropical
countries may increase during the dry season,
while the food requirements of people in temperate
countries may be higher in winter. Therefore, using
such equations to estimate the carrying capacity for
Earth will likely produce inaccuracies.

Chance Events
All of the methods described above are more or
less static. That is, they do not take into account
chance events such as volcanic eruptions, epidemics,
El Niño effects, and genetic changes in viruses and
bacteria, among other things. Any of these chance
events can produce random fluctuations in
populations on a local or regional scale. Although
some very complex models have been developed
to estimate carrying capacity while taking such
random events into account, they are in the earliest
stages of development and have not been well
tested. Further study of such models is important.
They could help us determine at what level the
human population could be maintained most of the
time (perhaps 95 years out every 100), given a certain
anticipated amount of random variation. The
concept organizer shown in Figure 15.13 on the
following page provides a summary of some of the
factors influencing the carrying capacity of Earth
for humans.
In the Thinking Lab on page 519, you can use
your own food intake for one day as an estimate of
the requirements of a typical person. Extrapolating

that can
be fed and




food supply
individual food

individual water

water supply


Population that
can be fed

food supply
individual food requirement
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