Biology 12

(vip2019) #1

Repolarization, 148
Repressor, 273
Reproduction and endocrine system,
Reproductive cloning, 315
Reproductive hormones, 192
Reproductive isolation, 401
Reproductive tissues, 168
Respiratory centre, 143
Resting potential, 147
Restriction endonucleases, 293
Restriction enzymes, 50
Restriction fragments, 294
Restriction site, 293
Retina, 153
Reverse mutation, 290
Reverse transcriptase, 305
Rhodopsin, 154
Ribonucleic acid, 218
Ribose nucleic acid, 218
Ribosomal RNA, 264
Ribosomes, 264
neuron, 147
Rickets, 181
RNA, 27, 113, 218 , 228
codons, 254
composition, 228
structure, 228
RNA polymerase, 258
RNA polymerase transcription, 258
Rod and cone layer, 154
Rods, 153
Roggeveen, Jacob, 426
rRNA, 264
RuBP carboxylase, 90
Ruffini endings, 158

S-shaped curve, 477
chemicals, 8ML
symbols, 551
Salt water, 115ML
Samples, 466
Sanger, Frederick, 252, 293, 296
Scats, 468
Schindler, Dr. David, 528
Schluter, Dr. Dolph, 402
Schrodinger, Erwin, 216
Schwann cells, 149
Sclera, 152 , 153
Scrotum, 193
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD),
Secondary consumers, 441
Secondary structure, 559
Secondary succession, 433
Sedimentary rocks, 349
Selective estrogen receptor
modulators (SERMs), 202
Selective pressure, 337
Selye, Hans, 189, 190
Semen, 193

Semi-conservative theory, 232
Seminal vesicles, 193
Seminiferous tubules, 193
Sense strand, 257
Sensory deprivation tank, 152
Sensory nerves, 139
Sensory receptors, 110 , 152
Seratonin, 151
Sertoli cells, 193
Sex hormones, 187
salad, in your, 201ML
Sexual dimorphism, 385
Sexual reproduction, 192, 385
Shivering, 109
SI units, 552
Sickle cell disease, 287
Sight, 152
Significant digits, 553–554
Silent mutation, 286
Simpson, George Gaylord, 365, 414
Sink, 520
Skin, 157
homeostasis, 157
Skull, 143
Slipper limpet, 272
Small nuclear RNA, 260
Smell, 152
snRNA, 260
Sodium-potassium pump, 57
Soil, 532
fertility, 532
Somatic cell mutations, 286
Somatic cells, 555
Somatic gene therapy, 316
Somatic nervous system, 138
Somatotropin, 174, 303
Source, 520
Specialists, 436
foraging strategy, 437–438inv
Speciation, 399 , 402
allopatric, 406–407
sympatric, 404
types of, 404
Species, 192, 332
adaptive radiation, 410
alternate concepts, 403
behavioural isolation, 399
biological, 398
biological barriers, 399
biosphere, 434
climax community, 433
cohesion, 402
divergence, 398
diversity, 332, 336–337inv
ecological, 402
ecological niche, 436
evolution, 364
evolutionary, 402
evolutionary relationships,
formation of, 398
gametic isolation, 400

generalists, 436
geographical barriers, 399
geographical distribution of, 353
habitat, 434–436
habitat isolation, 399
hybrid breakdown, 401
hybrid inviability, 400
hybrid sterility, 401
Leopard Frog, 401
limitations on concept, 401
mechanical isolation, 400
morphological, 402
pioneer, 433
populations, 353
post-zygotic barriers, 400
pre-zygotic barriers, 399
range, 434–436
recognition, 402
specialists, 436
temporal isolation, 400
transformation, 398
variability, 336–337inv
Specific immune system, 126
Sperm and chromosomal
abnormalities, 244–245
Spermatogenesis, 193 , 194, 557
Sphincters, 112
Spinal cord, 138, 143, 149
damage to, 149
regeneration, 149
Spinal reflex, 175
Spirit bear, 216
Spliceosome, 260
Spontaneous mutation, 289
Stabilizing selection, 383
Stahl, Franklin, 233, 234
Staphylococcus, 390
Starling, Ernest Henry, 169
Stebbins, G. Ledyard, 365
Steele, Edward, 342
Stem cells, 150
Stereoisomers, 15
Steroid hormones, 170
Steroid use, 196–197
Sticklebacks, 402
Sticky ends, 294
Strata, 340
Stress, 139, 184
chronic, 190
crowding, 188–189inv
nervous system, 139
physiological response to, 185
Stress hormone, 187
Stromatolites, 350
Strong, Maurice, 538
Structural adaptation, 395
Structural isomers, 15
Subatomic particles, 6
Substrate, 42
Substrate-level phosphorylation, 66
Suckling reflex, 176
Sulfhydryl, 15

Index • MHR 599
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